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BarJournal                   ESTATE PLANNING

                                    JU LY /A UGUST  20 15
      feATUre  Protecting Premarital Assets

                 Is an Ohio Legacy Trust the Answer?

                                              BY REBECCA YINGST PRICE

               ew people get married with the   A valid and enforceable prenup requires full   to remove and appoint a new trustee. A Settlor
               intention of divorcing, however,   and complete disclosure of each of the parties’   cannot, however, serve as their own Trustee.
               protecting current assets from a   financial assets and liabilities prior to their   One cannot shield all of their assets in a
               future ex-spouse might be one of the   marriage. Both spouses must actively participate   Legacy Trust, as R.C. 5816.06 requires a Settlor
       F most important legal and financial   in the process, and each should be represented   to sign a qualified affidavit certifying that they
        decisions that one ever makes. The question is   by separate and independent counsel to create a   will not be rendered insolvent after the transfer
        what is the best way to do it?      sound and enforceable prenuptial agreement. If   of property to the Trust. In addition, they must
          Let’s start with Ohio’s mandate that upon   this is not done, then there is a high probability   also  certify  that  the  property  transferred  was
        a divorce the division of  marital property   that the prenup will be overturned during a   not derived from unlawful activities; that they
        shall be governed by the principle of equitable   divorce since it would be a conflict of interest for   have full right, title, and authority to transfer the
        distribution. Marital property is defined by R.C.   a single attorney to represent both parties.  property; that the transfer is not being made to
        3105.171 as any property that is not separate   Getting a prenup in place can create   defraud creditors; that there are no pending or
        property. Separate property is then defined   significant stress, especially if one party is   threatened court actions that are not disclosed
        by  R.C.  3105.171(A)(6)(a)  as  all  real  and   resistant to the idea. If the prenup is signed   therein; and that they don’t contemplate filing for
        personal property that is: (i) an inheritance by   on the eve of the wedding, it may be easily   bankruptcy.
        one spouse during the marriage; (ii) property   overturned on the basis of duress. Also, if one   An initial reading of the Ohio Legacy Trust
        acquired by one spouse prior to marriage; (iii)   party refuses to sign the agreement, then the   Act would seem to preclude its use in premarital
        passive income and appreciation from separate   other fiancé  must  either  call  off  the wedding   planning since spouses and former spouses
        property; (iv) property acquired by one spouse   or cave in and rely on state law alone. This   are excepted creditors under R.C. 5816.03(c)
        after a decree of legal separation; (v) property   common conundrum can be solved by setting   (1).  However,  the  key  is  in  the  definition  of
        excluded by a valid antenuptial agreement; (vi)   up an Ohio Legacy Trust (Legacy Trust).   “spouse  or  former spouse.”  R.C.  5816.02(U)
        compensation for a personal injury; or (vii) any   On March 27, 2013, Ohio passed the Ohio   defines a spouse only as “the person to whom a
        gift that is made after the date of the marriage   Legacy Trust Act, R.C. Chapter 5816, which   transferor was married on or before a qualified
        and that is clearly given to only one spouse.   gives a fiancé the option of creating a self-settled   disposition was made.” Therefore, if the Legacy
          Ohio law, therefore, offers basic protections   Domestic Asset Protection Trust (DAPT). This   Trust was established AND funded prior to
        to fiancés with separate property. However, if   is a viable alternative to a traditional prenup   the marriage, the transferor’s fiancé cannot be
        one wants to protect separate assets they must   because: (1) there is no requirement for full   defined as a spouse or former spouse since they
        ensure that they do not transmute into marital   disclosure of financial assets and liabilities; (2)   were not married at the time of the trust funding.
        property. Additionally, if a party gets married   they can be created by one party alone without   However, if the Settlor waits to create or fund the
        in Ohio and relies on R.C. 3105.171 to protect   the knowledge and consent of the other party;   Legacy Trust until after the marriage, the fiancé
        their separate assets upon divorce, they must   and (3) the trust assets are protected from other   will qualify as a “spouse or former spouse” and
        also divorce in Ohio or the laws addressing   creditors, not just a future ex-spouse.  will be a creditor able to gain access to the trust.
        separate property of the state in which they   A Legacy Trust is defined in R.C 5816.02(K)   Timing is everything!
        divorce will apply. Those are variables that   as written trust to which all of the following   If the fiancé cannot ultimately qualify as an
        cannot  easily  be  controlled,  and therefore   apply: (a) there is a qualified trustee (i.e. an Ohio   excepted creditor, do they have any other recourse
        should not be relied upon as cornerstone of a   resident or a bank or trust company subject to   to access the trust assets for property division or
        solid premarital plan.              Ohio law); (b) the trust is governed by Ohio law;   spousal support upon divorce? They do, but it
          For those who do not want to rely on Ohio law   (c) it is irrevocable; and (d) there is a spendthrift   would be a long-shot. They would have to prove
        alone, an antenuptial or prenuptial agreement   provision.  When  a  Settlor  transfers  assets  to   that the transfer to the trust was a fraudulent
        (“prenup”) has been the long-standing method   a Legacy Trust, they may retain the following   transfer (i.e. voidable transaction) under R.C.
        of protecting premarital assets. A prenup is a   entitlements under R.C. 5816.05: the right to   5816.07(A). How does one demonstrate actual
        contract that the engaged couple enters into   mandatory payment of principal and income;   intent to defraud a future ex-spouse? It would
        prior to marriage that dictates how some of   the power to veto a distribution from the trust;   “seemingly require the future former spouse to
        their  assets  will  be  handled  in  the  event  of   a power of appointment to any party, as long as,   prove not only that the settlor had a concern
        death and/or divorce. A very romantic wedding   that party is not a creditor; the right to remove an   that the marriage would end in divorce, but also
        planning topic!                     advisor and appoint a new advisor; and the right   that the settlor actually entered into the marriage
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