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BarJournal                   FEATuRE

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      exTrA                            How to Have

                                   Happy Holidays

                                                BY SCOTT R. MOTE, ESQ.

                   s  the  holidays  approach,  like   I always keep this thought close to mind   “There is only one time that is important –
                   most people, I envision a   during the holidays. No matter how many   NOW! It is the most important time because
                   relaxing and  joyful  time  that   gifts I buy or how much time I spend with my   it is the only time that we have any power.”
                   I spend with my family and   friends and family, I do it because it makes me   Leo Tolstoy
        Afriends. I think of the good       happy. I know that it is not my responsibility to
        food and the time spent together with loved   make them happy.         Be real.
        ones and all the good feelings that come with                          Keep your expectations for the holidays
        these traditions. But, as the holidays get closer,   It’s ok to say no.  realistic. That way you will not set yourself up
        the reality sinks in. I start stressing about how   You are invited to several holiday parties, lunch   for an emotional letdown. Many times, people
        many gifts to buy, how to stick to my budget,   gatherings, soirees and galas. Your best friend   have a vision of what the holidays will be
        what to make for dinner, how to stay away   is  stressed and  wants  to  get  together to  talk,   like—happy families, tasty dinners, gorgeous
        from self-destructive coping mechanisms,   your workload is heavy, your client needs you   decorations—but things don’t always go as
        how to manage my time at home and at the   to review paperwork, you have to make time   planned. People argue, packages arrive too
        office, and how to make this the best time of   for your child’s holiday play, and your mom   late, the food doesn’t turn out as expected,
        the year for my family. It’s no surprise that the   wants your help baking cookies. It is nearly   your uncle drinks too much again this year,
        holiday season is a mixture of excitement and   impossible to meet everyone’s demands and say   etc. If something like this happens, it is ok. The
        stress. To ease your stress during this joyful,   yes to their invitations. It’s ok to say no. If saying   holidays are not ruined. Be grateful for all of
        yet stressful time, follow some of these tips   no is difficult for you, try “Thank you for the   the things that went well.
        that have made my holidays more enjoyable.  invitation, but I have a prior engagement” or
                                            “I would love to attend your event, but I have   Take it easy!
        It’s not your responsibility to make other   already committed to another event.”  Yes, this is probably easier said than done, but
        people happy.                         If you are having trouble determining if you   make sure you take time to relax, get enough
        Many people believe that it’s their job to   should say yes or no to the invitations, set up   sleep, exercise and enjoy the moment. Try not
        make  others  happy.  This  is  far  from  the   criteria based on your values. Ask yourself   to over-indulge on food and alcohol, as this
        truth. For example, your significant other   questions such as “Do I really want to do   can lead to more stress and anxiety. If you find
        hasn’t  been  happy  at  her  job.  Every  night   this? What do I gain from doing this? Does   yourself stressed, think of ways to decompress,
        you coach her and try to fix her problem.   it interfere with family events?” This will help   such as getting a massage, meeting with a
        You start feeling stressed because you feel   you choose wisely.       therapist, volunteering at a local food pantry,
        helpless and cannot fix it for her. There’s a                          taking time for yourself and managing your
        difference between loving and supporting   Be present.                 expectations.
        someone and trying to fix their problems   The best gift you can give your loved ones is   If you find that you are still stressed, anxious,
        in hopes that they will be happy. We cannot   your time. Yes, I know that there are emails   or overwhelmed, seek help. The Ohio Lawyers
        change how others feel. Your spouse is   you need to answer, phone calls to return,   Assistance Program helps lawyers, judges and
        responsible for her own emotions. What   appointments to  make, etc. Try  to eradicate   law students manage life’s stresses
        you can do is support her, love her, listen   those thoughts while you are spending time   OLAP has saved lives, careers, marriages
        to her and give her advice, but you cannot   with loved ones. Put away your phone, laptop,   and families. All inquiries are confidential.
        change the way she feels. She owns those   briefcase and anything else that reminds you   (800) 348-4343 /
        emotions.  The  truest  source  of  happiness   of work or other responsibilities that have
        comes from within.                  nothing to do with the present moment.
          “There is only one way to happiness and   Join conversations with your family, without   Scott R. Mote, Esq. is Executive
        that is to cease worrying about things which   thinking about how much work is waiting for   Director of the Ohio Lawyers
        are beyond the power of our will.”  you at the office. Let go of whatever is not there   Assistance Program. He can be
          Epictetus  (Greek  Sage  and  Stoic  in that moment—the past, the future. Be there,   reached at (800) 348-4343 or
        Philosopher)                        right there, right then.           
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