Page 19 - JulAug2019_BarJournal
P. 19

Lon’Cherie’ D.                     TELL US ABOUT YOUR FIRST EVER JOB.   David O. Simon
                                               My first ever job was with Heinen’s in Shaker
            Billingsley                        Heights. They hired me at 15 years old, so they were   Firm: D. O. Simon Company L.P.A.
                                               required to comply with all kinds of extra rules.
 REBECCA RUPPERT MCMAHON                       Some of those rules were not scheduling me to   Title: Founder, Owner, Chief Cook & Bottle Washer
                                                                                   CMBA Join Date: 1975
            Firm: The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland  work after 7pm and not being able to schedule me   College: Bowling Green State Universtiy
            Title: Staff Attorney              for more than 15 hours per week. However, they   Law School: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
            CMBA Join Date: 2019               were so supportive and really took a chance on
            College: The Ohio State Universtiy  me. They encouraged me to make good grades in   IF YOU WERE NOT PRACTICING LAW,
            Law School: Clevleand-Marshall College of Law  school, participate in activities, and spend the money   WHAT WOULD YOUR PROFESSION BE?
                                               that I made wisely. Most of my co-workers are still   I would be a deep sea charter boat captain in
            IF YOU WERE NOT PRACTICING LAW,    employed there, so every time I go there, it feels like   South Florida!
            WHAT WOULD YOUR PROFESSION BE?     being back home. I pray that my little girl is able to
            If I were not practicing law, I would probably be a   work there or a company that is as supportive as   CAN YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?
            Foreign Service Officer and/or volunteering with   they were towards me.  I played the trumpet throughout school. I was first
            the Peace Corps. I have a passion for my city, and                     chair in the high school marching band and was on
            I also have a passion for my country. In order to   WHY DID YOU BECOME A LAWYER?   TV during the 1993 Orange Bowl Parade!
            develop that passion, I feel it is important to be   I became a lawyer to educate myself and make
            knowledgeable and understanding of other cultures.   a difference. I witnessed a multitude of injustices   HOW DID YOU MEET YOUR SPOUSE?
            Therefore, I love the knowledge, experience, and   growing up. I felt powerless because I could not help   Cheryl and I met in when she came to work in
            understanding gained from travelling abroad. I   people going through difficult times. As an attorney,   the Bankruptcy Court in 1981. We were both
            believe it’s helpful and important to immerse   I knew that I would be able to make a difference as   otherwise committed, and it was impossible to
            yourself in the culture, and NOT just go to the   long as I was armed with the requisite knowledge. For   get the time of day out of her. It took 10+ years
            beaches and shopping areas. There are many   that reason, I’m striving to learn more and more each   for us to get together. When she finally agreed
            people living lives and going through struggles that   day. However, instead of hoarding that knowledge, I   to have dinner with me, she spent the remainder
            you know nothing about. Taking the time to hear,   want to pass it on to others so that they are armed   of that week trying to figure out how to get
            understand, and experience those struggles through   with that power and no longer feel powerless.  out of the date. I still have the quarter that the
            a non-first world lens is priceless.                                   Taverne of Richfield gave you to make a call for
                                               WHAT CITY DO YOU LIVE IN, AND       your next reservation.
            IN COURT?                          I live in Cleveland, Ohio, and I love it!! My home   WHERE DID YOU GO ON YOUR
            My most embarrassing moment in court was   is my childhood home, so it is filled with so many   HONEYMOON?
            definitely being wrongfully held in contempt of court.   positive memories. I love the fact that I am making   Fittingly, we honeymooned in Jackson Hole, Wyoming
            I’m human, and I make mistakes. However, it was not   more positive memories with my daughter. My   — in conjunction with a bankruptcy seminar.
            until that moment that I realized that as a lawyer, our   neighborhood is full of people who knew my
            mistakes can cost us our freedom. In that moment,   mother, my grandfather, my aunts/uncles, and my   TELL US ABOUT YOUR FIRST EVER JOB.
            I thought of my daughter who I needed to pick up   great-grandfather. I love being able to tap into those   When I was 14 years old, I parked cars in
            from pre-school. I thought of the disappointment   connections and experience hearing those stories.   the parking lot of my father’s restaurant in
            I may be to my family and friends. I thought of my   I love seeing people that I grew up with every day.   Youngstown, Ohio. That is also where I had my
            mentors and their words of caution. What would   Additionally, I live next door to a park. With a 10-year-  first auto accident. I parked a car up a bit of
            happen to all the people depending on me if I was   old child, there’s really nothing better than that!!  an incline and did not put it in “park.” The car
            sent to jail? Luckily, I had a boss, a supervisor, friends,            promptly rolled down the hill into a car belonging
            co-workers, and mentors that stood beside me. I                        to my father’s assistant.
            had people behind the scenes that knew my heart
            and my intentions and advocated for me when
            I was not around. I am thankful that the judge
            agreed that the contempt was wrongful and                                 INTERESTED IN BEING
            dismissed it.                                                             FEATURED OR KNOW
                                                                                      SOMEONE WHO MIGHT?
                                                                                      E-mail Jackie Baraona at:

            JULY/AUGUST 2019                                                           CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 19
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