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EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                      COLUMN


            IN ACTION

            Rebecca Ruppert McMahon

               f you joined us for the 12  Annual   Kevin Donoughe, Rose Fini, Gabe Kelly,   and grow our membership by attracting
               Meeting on June 3, you had a chance to   Pat Krebs and Neal Shapero.  The  panel   young/younger and new/newer attorneys.
               help us celebrate, among other things, the   evaluated each project on the basis of its:   Specifically, the teams were challenged to
               graduation of our Leadership Academy.   •  quality  and  quantity  of  potential  envision a “Bar within the Bar” that would be
            I Way back in September, 26 attorneys   collaborations inside and outside of   devoted to serving the needs and capturing
            began our 10-month Leadership Academy   the  CMBA  (Sections,  Committees,  the long-term engagement of attorneys
            journey designed to give both Established   Community Partners);       who possess less than 10 years of practice
            Leaders  (15+ years  of experience) and   •  creativity and innovation; and   experience. The two teams that tackled this
            Emerging Leaders (5+ years of experience),   •  specificity, sensibility and sustainability.   project were:
            an opportunity to take a deep dive into   True to competitive lawyer form, the teams   Bar within a Bar Team 1: David Cupar,
            leadership within the legal industry. In some   developed tremendous pitches that could   Diane Feigi, Amy Jeffries, Joe Lanter, Chris
            sessions, that meant exploring the essential   (and  potentially  will)  transform  different   Gray and Shana Marbury
            skills that strong lawyer-leaders exhibit.   segments of our Bar. The projects both tie   Bar within a Bar Team 2: Lydia Floyd,
            In others, the focus shifted to identifying   into the CMBA’s existing strategic plan which   Ross Dibello, Stephanie Klupinski, John
            a myriad of leadership opportunities for   calls for the Bar to continue our evolution as   Liber, Laura McNally-Levine, Joe Simms
            lawyers. In still others, class members   the  “go to”  organization for  law and  justice   and Heather Zirke.
            gained practical insights on how to land the   issues by serving as a community convener   In the end, the judges unanimously selected
            leadership roles they want.        to identify and address the significant issues,   the  outstanding  proposal  submitted  by  Bar
              Perhaps the best highlight from every   while  also serving as  an  indispensable   within a Bar Team 2 as the best in class this
            session was the opportunity for participants   resource to our members.   year! Their plan for engagement — which you
            to learn a little (or a lot!) about one another.   Within the thought leadership arena, two   will  see coming to reality later this  year —
            From small firms to big firms, corporations,   teams immersed themselves in the efforts the   includes a call for “Mini Bar” events outside
            government  agencies  and  non-profit  CMBA has undertaken over the past three   of  downtown  Cleveland  and  a  Non-profit
            organizations, class members represented   years to intentionally expand our thought   Director Certification Program. These
            a variety of backgrounds, experiences,   leadership activities. Specially, we challenged   innovations, and those advanced by the other
            viewpoints  and  career  goals. Each  month,   the teams to propose one or more new   teams, are sure to help us continue to expand
            we fostered substantive opportunities for   action plans the CMBA can undertake to   our offerings and drive engagement among
            one-on-one dialogue, as well as group   further drive our role in this area, including   our members.
            conversations. We also created ample time   consideration  for  meaningful  cross-  Next month: stay tuned for the
            for the members of the class to network with   collaborations with priority organizations   announcement of our newest Leadership
            our equally diverse slate of presenters who   throughout our community.   Academy members!
            represented a myriad of leadership roles from   The two teams that tackled this project were:   In the meantime, if you are interested in
            judges, managing partners, general counsel,   Thought Leadership Team 1: Bobby   finding out how you can get plugged in, call
            CEOs and more.                     Botnick, Serpil Ergun, Joy Kennedy, Katie   me or better yet: come Meet us at the Bar. Have
              In the middle of the program, we launched   Laskey-Donovan, Tracey Gonzalez, Sarah   a great summer!
            a capstone experience. Class members were   Polly and Peter Hochberg.
            divided  into  four  project  teams  and  then   Thought Leadership Team 2: Amanda
            were assigned to one of two projects. The   Barreto,  Jeff Caso,  Chris Keim,  Margo   Rebecca Ruppert McMahon is the CEO of the
            head-to-head competition was fierce! In   Meola, Chris Hoecek and Tiffany Wright.   CMBA. She has been a CMBA member since
            May, the teams presented their proposals   The other two teams dove deep into   1995. She can be reached at (216) 696-3525 or
            to a panel of esteemed judges comprised of   the CMBA’s strategic vision to strengthen
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