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Lauren Gilbride
hen you think of impactful way, Legal Aid created a specific with the case details and assist on-site with
life-changing legal questionnaire for prospective clients who specific, relevant recommendations.
services, do divorce call with a divorce-related inquiry. An intake
proceedings come to specialist records if the case fits within the Exponential impact
W mind? They should. following criteria: there was no domestic Divorce cases are often quite lengthy, lasting
Though not as obviously life-threatening violence; the couple has been living many months if not years. It is therefore difficult
as an eviction notice, domestic violence, separately for at least one year; there are no for a volunteer attorney to commit to working
or immigration issue, a bad marriage is a children from the marriage; there are no on a divorce case. The Pro Se and Pro Se Plus
significant obstacle to attaining happiness, major assets at stake; there is demonstrated Divorce Clinics offer attorneys a structured
independence, and economic freedom. Many financial need. If the case is a match, Legal opportunity to give back to the community
people who cannot afford a divorce attorney Aid mails the caller information about the with a reasonable time commitment. Just a
forgo an official divorce filing. This can cause coming month’s free Pro Se Divorce Clinic. few hours can make an enormous impact on a
complications later when a person wants to get People are also referred to Pro Se Divorce person’s life and future.
remarried, make end-of-life preparations, or clinics by the CMBA and the Cleveland “Questions about divorce are some of
otherwise move on. Fortunately, free advice Homeless Legal Assistance Program. the most common questions we get here at
and support for these situations are available at Clinics typically attract 10–15 people per Legal Aid,” says Ann Porath, a Managing
monthly clinics run by The Legal Aid Society month and last a few hours. They begin with Attorney at Legal Aid. “While the legal
of Cleveland and the Cleveland Metropolitan a presentation from the leading volunteer approaches may be similar enough to
Bar Association (CMBA). attorney, who then opens up the session for address in a group setting, these cases are
In 2009, CMBA and Legal Aid jointly assistance with paperwork and questions. not simple matters for those involved. Each
established a monthly pro se divorce clinic Clinics are held at the Cleveland Law Library, person attending our clinic is taking an
for individuals seeking assistance with which is conveniently located in the same incredibly meaningful step.”
legally separating from their spouse. Pro se building as the county courthouse. Attendees
is Latin for “on one’s own” or “on one’s own can receive instruction, fill out their paperwork,
behalf”; at each clinic, volunteer attorneys and file for divorce all in one afternoon. Lauren Gilbride is currently a Supervising
empower attendees with the knowledge and Attorney for Legal Aid’s intake department and
resources to file for divorce on their own. Pro Se Plus Volunteer Lawyers Program. She has worked
Jennifer Himmelein, Esq, a partner at Cavitch, with Legal Aid since 2006, first as a summer
Closing the justice gap Familo & Durkin and frequent volunteer at Pro associate and clerk while at Case Western Reserve
Legal Aid does not have the level of Se Divorce Clinics, started a secondary clinic in School of Law and then as an attorney since
resources it would take to help everyone 2012 called Pro Se Plus Divorce Clinics. These 2008. For the past 13 years, one of her focuses
who is low- or moderate-income and wants run every other month and are designed to has been the engagement of pro bono volunteers.
a divorce. For that reason, cases involving address slightly more complicated cases, such Gilbride works to ensure pro bono attorneys who
safety risks (for the spouse/partner and/or as cases involving children. Recently, these are interested in volunteering as lawyers with
children) are prioritized. This inevitably clinics were expanded to include cases where Legal Aid get matched with the right projects
leaves out hundreds of cases representing child support also still needs to be established. and cases. If you’d like to volunteer, visit www.
hundreds of individuals and families who Pro Se Plus Divorce Clinics require Gilbride has been a CMBA member
have nowhere else to turn. participants to complete brief preliminary forms since 2009. She can be reached at (216) 861-5259
To address this group in an efficient and so that attorneys can familiarize themselves or