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faces, mostly in black and white, because we today. When I research what got all of us here And I said, “Awatef, the answer is yes.” And
go back to the 1800s. And I didn’t know them today, I am humbled. I look forward to seeing what she’s going to do
other than those are the presidents. The Bar helped me with my voice, and that with that. And I look forward to seeing what so
My daughter, Madeline, who’s been with is The Power of One. The Power of One, the many of you are going to do with the initiatives
me and has been my partner in so many of theme for this year, is the idea and the resolve that I’m asking you to bring forward.
my legal endeavors, came with me to the Bar of one lawyer to bring positive change. The Cleveland Bar, Metropolitan Bar
Association some weeks ago, and we picked And so, let me say this to you as we move Association this year, our programs are
out some faces of people that we just didn’t forward. We at the Bar, all of us, we want to highlighted, and Becky spoke about them in
know. And with the help of some of the clerks assist you with your voice, with your ideas. the middle of the program. Just a couple of little
who are here at the table from my firm, we We want to amplify your voice. We want to points that I want to add to it.
did a little research on them. And I’d like to support you. We want to make it unpopular We’ve spent a good number of years putting
just touch on a couple of the accomplishments to oppose any initiative that you want to bring together a strategic plan, how we’re going to
that some of these people made that I didn’t to the table that will put us in a better place, continue to be the go-to organization in Ohio
know, and it gives me even a greater sense of that will put this community that we serve in a for anything legal. And the 2020 strategic plan,
pride as I stand here right now. better place. We invite you to do that. we’re going to continue implementing that.
We went back to 1898. This just happened So please reach out to me, to Becky, to I had the privilege of attending a conference
to be a face, for whatever reason, that every anyone on the staff, the board. The answer is for regional bar associations with Becky, and I
time I sat, I looked and I saw his face. John yes. If you want to do it, know ahead of time was astonished to find out just how much other
Henderson was a charter member of the that the answer is yes. The only thing is bring bar associations look to Cleveland. When they
Cleveland Bar Association. He was counsel your passion to it. Bring your ideas forward, have the small breakout groups, they always
in a landmark case before the Supreme bring your passion, and I assure you that you wanted Becky to be in their groups, because
Court of the United States that challenged will have the passion and dedication of more they wanted to know how we were doing what
the constitutionality of the requirement of than 5,000 lawyers to join you and put that we were doing, how we were being creative,
corporations to only pay their employees forward. That’s what made me want to hit this and how we were still being attractive when
bimonthly for all the work that they did. podium, and that’s what I hope will invite you we are in a day where most organizations are
President John Sullivan, in 1920 prosecuted to come to the CMBA this year and in years losing membership.
Cassie Chadwick, who at the time was known, to come. You heard Becky say we gained membership,
and still is known, as one of the greatest con The perfect example of it, Awatef Assad, and that is a tribute to the people who have
artists that this city has ever seen. She held who got our Volunteer of the Year Award. stood here before me and to our leadership,
herself out as the illegitimate child of Andrew Where are you, Awatef? Okay. and I think that it is — you know, I’m a firm
Carnegie while she bilked millions of dollars So Awatef and I were speaking yesterday, believer that actions speak. And I am confident
back in 1920. and of course she’s always as helpful and as that next year when Joe takes the reins, Becky
Andrew Lee Johnson, in 1978 became willing to assist as you could imagine. She said will tell us that we’ve also gained even more,
the first African-American president of “Ian, just whatever you need,” you know, “just because we will continue to be that example to
the Cleveland Bar Association. He was the let me know.” bar associations around the country.
founder and president of the Cleveland And our exchange took an interesting turn, We will continue to increase the CMBA
Lawyers Association, one of Cleveland’s because I said, “Awatef, it’s not what I want you profile in our voice, and we will also continue
foremost African-American legal societies. to do.” I’m not inclined, as your president, to to reach out to the non-lawyer entities and
In 1983, Maryanne Nathan became the tell anyone in this room what to do. Instead, organizations that want to work with us and
first woman to become elected president I said, “Awatef, what do you want to do?” that we need to work with in this community.
of any Bar Association in the State of Ohio Because I don’t have all the ideas. I have Marlon touched on diversity, and he did a
when she was elected president of the my ideas. But if you put all of these minds tremendous job this year putting together the
Cuyahoga County Bar Association. together, we’re going to do far greater things memorandum of understanding with several
She paved the way for six more women, just than one president could even imagine doing. affinity bars. And as I said to him a moment
in the coming 13 years, to serve as president, And Awatef said, “Ian,” you know, “this is ago, that is one of the things that I guarantee is
as evidenced by Lizabeth Moody’s presidency a really, really difficult profession. It is hard going to be front and center to my presidency.
in 1987. She became the first president of the on us. It beats us up. It affects our families The MOU will, this year, be about action and
Cleveland Bar Association while serving as and even worse sometimes.” And we all know bringing in those that are in affinity bars and
the interim dean of my alma mater, Cleveland- people that this has really taken its toll on. other bars that we have not yet brought even
Marshall College of Law. For her efforts and And she said, “I’ve really always dreamed into the MOU.
what she changed and the road that she paved, about putting together some sort of wellness We want everyone in this bar, because it
the American Bar Association bestowed initiative. Something where we lawyers who is not a bar of some; it is a bar of all. This is a
upon her the honor of Glass Cutter for her are fighting it out in boardrooms and taking bar for all lawyers in this region, not a bar for
extraordinary efforts in assisting women to depositions and courtrooms and with our some. It should never be looked at ever again
reach new heights in the legal profession. clients, so that we can learn how to deal with as a bar where only certain lawyers go. This is
This is the backdrop for which I stand here the stress, so that we can have a way to not take a bar where every single person who graduated
and why I have no words to describe how I feel it home.” from law school and walked across the stage,