Page 8 - JulAug2019_BarJournal
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was proud to be a lawyer, who wanted to make not, when I leave a war in the courtroom, I like to the day that we get to come and we get
change, has a home. That’s what the Cleveland going to the bar. The CMBA bar. to listen to some of you stand up here and
Metropolitan Bar Association is about. And that’s where my friends are. That’s accept your terms as officers and presidents.
Marlon, you did a tremendous job bringing where those people are, who I respect. That’s So, I commend you on your journey.
that to us, and I promise you that that is my where I want to be. And I want that to be the You know, lots of people I’m sure make
priority this year. If it slips back a centimeter, same feeling for all of you and those who are jokes and, “Why do you want to be a lawyer?”
then I failed as president. not here today in attendance. That’s what we I’ve never much been one for the lawyer
Something that’s near and dear to my heart: want: the fellowship, the camaraderie, and the jokes. It is the greatest profession, and we look
the law students, the future lawyers. Cleveland- respect, a place to gather and commiserate forward to also calling you guys colleagues
Marshall College of Law, Case Western Reserve and enjoy and like being a lawyer. and being here when we, again, can listen to
University, Akron Law School, those, many of There is no doubt that we will continue to you. So, welcome, and thank you for being
you know I’ve been teaching for a long time at grow and be the, as I said, go-to organization here. And, everyone, please applaud them.
Cleveland-Marshall. I love the young lawyers. for anything legal in Northeast Ohio. I look forward to working with and for all
I love the students, the energy of it. Every time As I close, I ask myself, what does it means of you. We’re going to have a lot of fun this
I teach and I leave class, I feel reinvigorated. to be called upon to lead the CMBA? It is year. Anthony told you that sometimes — I
It’s just I love being there. I love being around important for me to state this again. It’s not don’t know what it is; stress, to me, equates
those that still have that aspiration, you know, my presidency. Yes, I am the president in title to fun. I don’t know. That’s my coping
that we all have had. this year, but this is your year. It is the year mechanism, perhaps. But we’re going to have
And I’ve had the privilege of serving now, of every member of the Bar Association. It is a lot of fun while doing a lot of good things
since its inception, for the last five New Lawyer the year of all lawyers, even those who may this year.
Bootcamps here at the CMBA. That’s a three- not be members. It’s your year. It’s my year to I look forward to bringing the optimism
day program that we do. All new lawyers serve you. And that’s what this is about. that I had as a young boy and that never left
have to get their hours and so forth, but this is But what does it mean to me to stand me, with me to this position. I look forward
different. It’s not just hours. We bring them in here with this title? Simply put, it means to doing it with all of you, because frankly
and we almost make it — well, we don’t almost. everything. It really means everything to me. I look at you as all of you being the great
We do. We make it a class. It’s their annual class I wanted to be that lawyer for so long. I didn’t lawyers that I’ve spoken about here today.
of new lawyers. They leave with a network of know anything else. Those of you who I went Every person in this room who took the time
new lawyers. And we teach them everything, to law school, Anthony will tell you, day one, to be here to honor the Bar Association is a
from the teachings of approximately 40 when they said, “Why are you here?” I said, “I great lawyer, and so I commend and I thank
lawyers and judges and professionals, how to want to be a criminal defense lawyer.” I don’t all of you for being here.
be a lawyer, how to minimize the bumping and know why. It just was. My daughter would punish me if I didn’t do
bruising that so many of us had to go through. And so, in good part, this is who I am. It this. (Swiping nose with thumb.) This doesn’t
And it’s going to continue to grow. We really stands for what I believe in, and it stands for mean a lot to a lot of you. You obviously know
want to continue our relationship with the law what I really protect and what I truly cherish. when you do that, it’s a symbol to someone.
schools so that — not that you’re done with Out of respect to all of the lawyers that you’ve I’ve had to do it at every event that I’ve ever
them, but when you’re passing them over to seen on the screens, those that Marlon spoke been at with her, and she reminded me to do
us in the bar, that we work with you to kind of about, those that I’ve talked about, those on that, Madeline.
bridge that gap. We don’t want them coming in the tables, I sit here humbled, accepting this But you are the great lawyers. I respect
and learning their lessons by getting a bruise in position as president. Out of respect to the you all. I look forward to working with you. I
the eye. We want to welcome them in with open lesser-known lawyers, those who also have thank you for being here, and I look forward
arms and let them come through it gracefully, moved mountains but may not have gotten to seeing you at the bar. Be well. Thank you.
because that’s the way, really, it should be. the name recognition, those that believe in
I said to Pat Krebs a moment ago, the CMBF the highest calling of the law, all of you, and
is in good hands. There’s no question that we all of the future lawyers. Ian Friedman is a partner at Friedman & Nemecek,
will be working closely with you. We have the And I want to pause, because there’s a couple L.L.C., which is a Cleveland-based criminal defense
same goal in mind. And although there’s two tables here of law students, and I know there’s law firm. He is the current President of the CMBA.
different board meetings and two different probably a lot of law students in the room. He has served as President of the American Board
groups, we’re all trying to get to the same And so, I would ask all of you to stand up, for a of Criminal Lawyers, Ohio Association of Criminal
points, so I look forward to working with you reason. Once you stand, I will tell you. Please. Lawyers and CM-Law Alumni Association. He
throughout this year. Every person who wants to be a lawyer, who’s is an Adjunct Professor at CM-Law where he
And lastly, I just simply say this: fellowship. in school to be a lawyer, stand up. teaches Cybercrime. He is a recipient of the CMBA’s
You know, Awatef was right. This is a hard Okay. Now, I want you to understand one William K. Thomas Award for Professionalism and
profession. There’s no question. And when thing. Everybody in this room is here for you. was named by Best Lawyers in America as 2019
people ask me, “Ian, why are you doing this? We really are. We’re here for you. We want to Lawyer of The Year, Criminal Defense: General
You don’t have the time.” make sure that this profession is better for Practice. He has been a CMBA member since
I respond very easily just by saying, “I like you than it was for us. And I can tell you that 2002. He can be reached at (216) 928-7700 or
being here. I like going to the bar.” Believe it or every lawyer in this room will look forward