Page 23 - September2019_BarJournal
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                                                                                   BY KRISTIN T. TULL, PH.D.

                       t PRADCO, a management   to be halfway to an important project with the   make you feel good about yourself. Conversely,
                       consulting  firm  based  in  end in sight, but often we don’t look at things   steer clear of people who tend to be negative or
                       Cleveland, we help leaders select,   that way. Focusing on progress can help keep   zap your energy. You may have to interact with
                       develop and retain employees   the momentum going over the long haul.  them some of the time but being more intentional
            A who perform well and fit the                                         about how you spend your discretionary time can
            organizational culture. We are often asked to   Deal  with  problems  objectively and  with   help with your overall attitude.
            evaluate new hires and develop current leaders so   compassion.
            that organizations can perform at a high level. We   Sometimes things do go wrong and we need to   Leave people better than you found them.
            are also asked to measure employee engagement   share bad news or address problems. In these   Each of us has the power to influence those with
            with  the  thinking  that  engaged  employees  will   cases, it’s important to focus on the behavior   whom we come in contact. We can make people
            stay longer and perform better over time.   rather than the person, and to be solution-  feel valued by asking them questions about
              For the past several years, leaders have been   oriented rather than belaboring the problem.   themselves and really listening to the answers,
            going to great lengths to create a positive culture   Often, people feel bad enough about a mistake   or we can focus on talking and sharing what’s
            by offering perks, flexibility, and meaningful   they made or a problem they caused, so that   important to us. We can highlight the good, or
            work to ensure employees are engaged. Recently,   our harping on it doesn’t help anything.   we can point out the flaws in others. We choose
            I read an article that suggested that employees   Moving into solution mode and helping the   what we focus on and react to, and how we
            own the experience of being engaged as much   person fix the situation is the best use of energy   interact with people can affect them greatly. If
            as employers are responsible for creating a good   and will result in a better outcome.  we focus on having positive interactions and
            work environment. That got me thinking about                           making people better, we all win.
            what each of us can do to be more engaged and   Look for the good in people.   Some  of  these  ideas  may  seem  simplistic,
            to create a more positive experience for those   Most of us mean well and want to do good work,   but we control our thoughts and our reactions
            around us.                         so focusing on the positive attributes of people   to things, and if we are intentional about being
              We spend most of our waking hours at work,   can go a long way toward enjoying the day. Think   positive, we will have a better work experience.
            so we could put more focus on having fun while   about what you have in common with people   As leaders, we contribute to the culture, so if
            we are there rather than counting down the hours   rather than how different you might be. When   we set the example by how we act and deal
            to the weekend.                    working with difficult people it can be useful to   with situations, others around us will follow
                                               put ourselves in their shoes. People have a lot   suit and have a better experience as well.
            WHAT CAN WE DO TO HAVE A           going on in their lives and often there are reasons
            BETTER EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE?        why people are negative or unhappy. If you knew
            Here are a few ideas that can help you think about   what was going on in people’s lives you might   Over the past 27 years, Dr. Kristin
            work in a different way.           better understand why they act like they do.   Tull has taken on a variety of roles
                                                                                            during her ascension to the
            Keep track of what you get done.   Do something nice for others.                Presidency of PRADCO, a women-
            Ideally, our work is aligned with our purpose   There is a lot of research that suggests that being   owned organization that specializes
            so that being productive equates to positive   service minded leads to happiness and greater   in helping companies select, develop and retain
            feelings. Making good use of our time and   longevity. Even small gestures like saying hello   people who fit their cultures and contribute to
            recognizing our own achievements on   or complimenting someone on their work can   organizational goals. In addition to her account
            a  regular  basis  contributes  to  feelings  of   brighten someone’s day. Expressing gratitude   management and business development activities,
            satisfaction. Often in our coaching practice we   and saying a heartfelt thank you can be very   Kristin has been an industry leader in the creation
            encourage people to keep a log of good things   motivating  to  people, and  it  takes  very  little   and validation of the assessment instruments that
            they do so they don’t miss them — too often   time or energy to share it. Telling people how   contribute to the backbone of PRADCO’s
            our focus is on what we didn’t get done or what   their work contributed to a bigger goal can   evaluation and development strategy. Most
            went wrong rather than on what went well.   also be a way to help people feel valued.  recently, Kristin has focused her efforts on the
                                                                                   creation and delivery of a dual-track coaching
            Build in opportunities to celebrate progress.   Spend time with people who make you   program,  offering  a  structured,  yet  flexible
            When  working  on long-term projects, set   feel good.                 approach to developing high potential people. She
            some short-term goals to create opportunities   Some people give you energy while others don’t.   is also very involved with, and passionate about,
            to celebrate success along the way rather than   Build time into your week to spend time with   developing women leaders. She can be reached at
            waiting for the big win at the end. It can feel good   people who are positive and enthusiastic, and who   (440) 337-4647 or

            SEPTEMBER 2019                                                             CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 23
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