Page 39 - September2019_BarJournal
P. 39

BUSINESS BANKING & CORPORATE COUNSEL                                         FEATURE



                                                                                   BY REBECCA MAURER

                             ith a staggering $1.5   is picking up. In 2018 the Society for Human   by a biotechnology company in Illinois
                             trillion dollars of student   Resources Managers reported that 4% of   which received an IRS Private Letter Ruling
                             loan  debt  in  the  U.S.   companies were offering  a student loan   approving their plan modifications in 2018.
                             economy, companies are   HR benefit. In 2019, that number doubled   We will take a deeper dive into each of these
            W increasingly seeing their        to  8%.  Willis  Towers  Watsons,  a  leading   potential student loan HR benefits and flag the
            employees’ student loans as a workplace issue.   international benefits firm, recently reported   compliance issues you need to know for each one.
            In order to increase recruitment and retention,   that student loan benefit adoption is expected
            more and more companies are taking the leap   to exceed 30% by 2022.   Refinance Programs
            into offering a student loan benefit through their   So when a corporate client is considering a   If your clients want to consider a refinance
            human resources department.        student loan HR benefit, what exactly would   program, they will need to establish a
             If one of your corporate clients is beginning   that benefit look like?  partnership with a third-party refinance
            to consider a student loan HR benefit, what                            marketplace or refinance program.
            compliance issues do you need to know about?   What type of student loan HR Benefits are   Generally these programs are a relatively
             In this article, we will cover the basic trends in   out there?       light lift for corporate clients, and have
            student loan support at the corporate level, discuss   Student loan benefits are not one-size-fits-all.   correspondingly simple compliance concerns.
            the options that companies are considering, and   Indeed, there are a wide spectrum of programs   The main issue is you may want to
            identify legal and compliance issues you should   that have been adopted by companies of all   recommend avoiding co-branding the
            be aware of if a corporate client is considering a   shapes  and  sizes.  For  the  purposes  of  this   refinance program with your client’s
            student loan HR benefit for their employees.   article, we’ll summarize the dizzying  array   own corporate information. The Federal
                                               of options into three buckets: (1) refinance   Trade Commission recently settled a large
            Why would a corporate client offer a student   programs; (2) directed payment programs;   complaint against SoFi, the most prominent
            loan HR benefit?                   and (3) 401(k) matching programs.   student loan refinancer, alleging that SoFi
            Student loan debt is now the second largest   Refinance programs are designed to help   misrepresented how much money student
            category of consumer debt in the United   employees save money by lowering their   loan borrowers could save by refinancing with
            States — exceeding credit card and auto debt   interest rate. More than 90% of all student loan   the company. The FTC sent notice letters to a
            and second only to mortgages.      debt is federal student loan debt, which often   number of other large refinancers regarding
             Approximately 60% of the workforce   has interest rates between 5% and 7%. Private   claims in their advertising material. Overall,
            under the age of 40 left school with more   refinance companies offer lower interest rates   the refinance industry is still re-adjusting
            than $10,000 in student debt. In tight talent   to entice borrowers to refinance their federal   after this recent decision.
            markets such as healthcare and technology,   loans into private loans.   While the FTC has not specifically gone
            even a higher percentage of the workforce   Under a refinance program, companies enter   after any companies that encouraged their
            now comes with student loan debt.   into partnerships with these refinance companies   employees to participate in these refinance
             In the face of these staggering numbers,   to offer special rates to their employees.   programs, it may be advisable to avoid co-
            companies have begun to consider whether a   By comparison, under directed payment   branding for the time being.
            student loan HR benefit could be an important   programs, companies actually make monetary
            tool in attracting and retaining talent.   contributions to help pay off their employees’   Directed Payment Programs
            Companies who implement these programs   student loans. These payments can be   If your client is going to consider a directed
            hope to see a return on investment by keeping   structured as a yearly or monthly payment and   payment,  there  are  a  few  important  legal
            their employees for longer, decreasing turnover   can be modulated based on employee seniority.   issues to know about.
            and decreasing training costs.       Finally, there are 401(k) matching   First, it’s worthwhile to consider a third-
             It seems the return on investment is   programs — a category of student loan   party administrator so that your client’s HR
            making sense. Interest in these HR programs   benefits almost single-handedly created   department is not themselves knowledgeable

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