Page 35 - October2019_BarJournal
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                                                                  AREA OF LAW FEATURE

            on average. G. Kats et al.,  Green  Buildings   benefits and burdens of a green Justice Center,   Justice Center will shape the experiences of
            and Communities: Costs and Benefits, Good   and how does local leadership ensure that   criminal defendants, courtroom staff, and
            Energies (2008). Green building is a much   participation from the community is given   the downtown business community that
            better predictor of tangible improvements in   due weight? Right now, could design features   share the location with the complex. The
            building performance, and those improvements   like an on-site child care facility or greater   status quo when it comes to the future of
            have considerable value: as much as 25% less   access to  public  transportation increase the   the Justice Center is unsuited to a region
            energy use, 36% reduction in CO2 emissions,   building’s social equity? All of these questions   that  seeks  to  distance  itself  from  an  era  of
            a 27% increase in occupant satisfaction, and an   need  answers  before  the  first  brick  is  laid.   consent decrees and environmental discord.
            overall 19% lower aggregate operations cost,   Most importantly, asking these questions   Sustainable buildings save money, create
            according to the GSA study. But these benefits   early builds more flexibility into the overall   local jobs and lead by example. Cuyahoga
            are only maximized when a proposed building   design process and allows the planners to be   County has a rare opportunity to make a
            is conceived with sustainability in mind, rather   intentional when it comes to the choices that   replacement Justice Center an inflection
            than trying to add green features to a project   will affect everyone.   point for the coming decades.
            late in the process.                 Whether we notice it or not, the
              Early planning for a sustainable building   built  environment  where we  work  and
            project is key, and even more so for a facility   devote our time plays a huge role in our    John Mills is an associate attorney
            that has a mixed reputation in the community.   lives. The increasing implementation of   with the law firm of Walter |
            The unique challenges for this type of project —   more sustainable public works projects   Haverfield  LLP,  in  the
            a building complex that is secure yet accessible,   underscores the growing synthesis between   environmental law and litigation
            as well as cost-effective — mean that a “one   human needs, environmental concerns, and   practice groups. Prior to joining
            size fits all” design approach is ill-suited to the   architecture. White, R, Graham, H, British   Walter | Haverfield, John worked as an in-house
            needs of Cuyahoga County. A truly successful   Journal of Criminology,  Greening Justice:   attorney for Ohio EPA and as an assistant
            green building process has to ask questions   Examining the Interfaces of Criminological,   director of law for the City of Cleveland. He
            that go beyond the project boundaries: what   Social and Ecological Justice. (2015). The   joined the CMBA this year. He can be reached
            do  citizens  of  Cuyahoga  County see  as  the   design and thought that we put into the next   at (216) 619-7852 or

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