Page 36 - October2019_BarJournal
P. 36




                         BY MATT ROLF

                or nearly a century, an air of   comprehensive  regulations  on accessibility   But other county services (such as the
                urgency has driven the planning   for pedestrians and disabled users.  The   library) have located new public buildings
                and construction of new justice and   Ohio Administrative Code touched on this   in places that downgrade access to people
                detention facilities in Cuyahoga   matter, but its sections were repealed in 2007   without cars. The County also maintains
        FCounty. Over-burdened facilities,   and superseded by revisions to the Building   satellite detention facilities in Euclid
        over-budget plans, over-extended time frames,   Code. The ADA and the Rehabilitation Act   and  Bedford.    Cleveland’s  size,  notoriety,
        and a criminal justice system in dire need of   of 1973 also  protect prisoners  and create   centralized location, and infrastructure
        reform have often driven the decision making   causes of action for enforcement. However,   should foreclose the possibility of the Justice
        process. Today’s Justice Center Complex is no   new development can adhere to the   Center’s out-migration, but the Revised
        exception to this way of planning, with myriad   minimum requirements of the ADA and the   Code authorizes county residents to petition
        correctional and humanitarian issues that   Building Code while still neglecting inmates   the General Assembly to relocate a County
        must be addressed or at least acknowledged by   and focusing on employees and visitors who   Seat. While such an ill-advised scenario
        any new construction.               arrive in  cars.  Maintaining  and  improving   might  seem  impossible,  it  is fundamentally
          In addressing the jail’s humanitarian crisis,   upon the current state of affairs, and going   a political question that could be opened at
        we should not overlook the public accessibility   beyond the bare regulatory accessibility   any time.
        of new or renovated justice and detention   requirements should be the goal of any   The  Revised  Code  contemplates
        facilities. The buildings will be accessed and   renovation or new construction.   accessibility in Chapter 301 when it lays out
        used by thousands of citizens who are disabled,   Ironically for a city and region that   the process for locating or relocating County
        who are children, who are elderly, and who   have seen so much disinvestment and out-  Seats. The term “County Seat” refers to the
        may walk or use public transit and bicycles   migration from downtown, county offices   Seat of Justice, specifically, the location of
        to attend hearings or visit relatives. Inmates   are subject to displacement pressure from   the General Division of the County Court
        with disabilities will need accommodations for   private capital seeking to establish The Mall   of Common Pleas. When new Ohio counties
        their conditions. The equitable administration   as a tourist destination. In 2014 Cuyahoga   are formed, commissioners “shall proceed to
        of justice demands that the buildings be   County removed several county offices from   examine and select the most proper place as a
        pedestrian friendly, convenient to public   the corner of Ontario and Lakeside to build   seat of justice, as near the center of the county
        transportation, and meet the needs of disabled   a hotel. Those offices were consolidated with   as possible, having regard to the situation,
        citizens who visit, work, or are incarcerated.  other county functions at the corner of E. 9th   extent of population, quality of land, and the
          The concept of “complete streets” envisions   and Prospect. In 2011 the Juvenile Justice   convenience and interest of the inhabitants.”
        a built environment that promotes pedestrian,   Center departed Downtown’s edge at E. 22nd   In reality there is a wide range of discretion
        transit, and bike access, equalizing those   for E. 93rd and Quincy.   given to applying these considerations, nor do
        transit modes with the usage of cars. Cuyahoga   Both of these new county facilities are   they apply to other county offices or facilities.
        County’s Planning Department has developed   happily convenient to public transit and   For  example,  a  long  simmering  dispute
        a  Complete  Streets  Toolkit,  and  the  City  of   accessible by pedestrians. And County   in Geauga County has seen the county
        Cleveland has released a Complete Streets   Council is currently supportive of a new   commissioners move and seek to move a
        Typologies Plan. Both documents address   Downtown Justice Center. Easing the ability   steady stream of county offices from the
        issues such as setbacks, parking, and building   of people to arrive at court on public transit   county seat of Chardon to a rural road near
        access, and should be relied upon in developing   or under their own  power can reduce   Geauga Hospital. Against the wishes of the
        an architectural plan that integrates well with   penalties and fines those citizens may face.   local Bar, Geauga County has also developed
        the ways people travel to and from court.  Doing the same for visitors of inmates creates   nascent plans to abandon the historic
          The Ohio Building Code and the the   a more humane jail that may help societal   Court House on Chardon Square. A new
        Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) have   reintegration for the incarcerated.   Courthouse would be constructed on county-
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