Page 1 - Market Outlook Q2 2024
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Economic Overview
                                          Q2, 2024
                NTDA MARKET
                                                   COVID Hangover Resulting in Market


                                                   SEMI-TRAILER SALES

                                                   In May 2024, semi-trailer sales saw a significant decline. Net orders for trailers were reported
                                                   at 6,100 units, a 46% decrease compared to the same month in 2023 and a drop of 7,650
                                                   units from April 2024. This downturn brings the year-to-date net order activity to 68,200
                                                   units, which is 25% lower than the first five months of 2023. The reduction in orders is
                                                   attributed to a combination of economic factors, including fleet spending constraints and
                                                   high dealer inventories, according to ACT Research.

                                                   COVID HANGOVER = MARKET ADJUSTMENT

                                                   The decline in semi-trailer sales in 2024 can be partly attributed to the "COVID sales
                                                   hangover," a phenomenon resulting from the extraordinary surge in demand during the
                                                                                                       Continued on Page 3

                                                   THIS ISSUE…

            N DA                                       PAGE      S&P Global U.S. Manufacturing PMI®
                                                                 Output Growth Hits 26-month High in June, Price Pressures Cool
                                                              Trailer Orders                    Canada Wholesale Sales
        NATIONAL TRAILER DEALERS ASSOCIATION        70000                              50.00%
        9864 E. Grand River Ave.                    60000                              40.00%
        Ste. 110-290                                40000                              30.00%
        Brighton, MI 48116                          30000                              20.00%
                                                    20000                              10.00%
        Direct Dial: (810) 229-5960                 10000                              0.00%
                                                                                          Jan  Feb  March  April  May  June  July  Aug  Sept  Oct  Nov  Dec
        Toll-free: (800) 800-4552                    0  Jan  Feb  March  April  May  June  July  Aug  Sept  Oct  Nov  Dec  -10.00%                                          2024  2023  2022                    2024  2023  2022
                                                   US ECONOMIC                        CANADA ECONOMIC
                  SNAPSHOT                           SNAPSHOT
                          PAGES 12–30
             national-trailer-dealers-association/                                              PAGES 32–34

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