Page 4 - Market Outlook Q2 2024
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        Economic Overview

        Current State of Inflation Getting Closer to Fed’s Goal of 2 Percent

        As of June 2024, the inflation rate in the U.S. stands at 3.3% for the 12  CONSUMER SENTIMENT
        months ending in May 2024. This marks a significant decrease from the
        peak of 9.1% in June 2022. The latest data from the Bureau of Labor   Capital Economics reported the University of Michigan’s (UM) Consumer
        Statistics (BLS) indicates that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for May   Sentiment Index fell to a seven-month low of 65.6 in June, down from
        2024 remained unchanged on a seasonally adjusted basis, after a 0.3%   69.1 in May. This decline suggests that households are experiencing
        increase in April .                                    increased pressure due to higher interest rates and persistently
                                                               elevated consumer prices. Additionally, concerns over high prices and
        Key contributors to the current inflation rate include a 5.4% annual   weakening  incomes  have  contributed  to  a  dip  in  personal  financial
        increase in shelter costs and a 4.0% rise in food away from home prices   assessments.
        over the past year. The energy index saw a decrease of 2.0% in May, with
        gasoline prices dropping by 3.6% , according to BLS.   In June 2024, the UM’s Expectations Index dropped to 67.6 from 68.8
                                                               in May. This represents a 1.74% decrease from the previous month, but
        Overall, while inflation has moderated significantly from its recent   a 10.64% increase compared to the same period last year, when the
        highs, it remains an important economic factor, affecting purchasing   index was at 61.1, according to UM’s Survey of Consumers . This decline
        power and cost of living  .                            reflects growing consumer concerns about economic conditions,
                                                               higher interest rates, and inflation pressures, which are influencing their
        As of May 2024, the current state of wage growth and inflation shows   outlook for the future.
        a nuanced picture:
                                                               PERSONAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURES
                                                               The Personal  Consumption Expenditures (PCE) for May 2024  was
            •   Nominal Wage  Growth:  According  to the  Federal  Reserve   $19,337.8 billion.  This figure represents a slight increase from April
               Bank  of Atlanta’s  Wage Growth  Tracker, the  median  wage   2024, which was $19,289.9 billion, according to the Bureau of Economic
               growth over the past 12 months is around 5.0%. This measure   Analysis.  April figures were in line with expectations.
               tracks the percent change in the hourly wages of individuals
               (measured over a 12-month span).                The  Fed  closely  monitors  the  PCE  Price  Index,  particularly  the  Core
                                                               PCE Price Index, which excludes volatile food and energy prices. Core
            •   Wage Growth: Real wages, which adjust nominal wage   inflation (which pulls out energy and food) was up 0.1% but April was
               growth for  inflation,  have  shown modest  gains.  From  May   revised upward to 0.3%. This figure was better than expected, but still
               2023 to May 2024, real average hourly earnings increased by   ahead of the Fed’s aim of a 2% inflation rate over the long term.
               0.8%, which suggests that wage growth has slightly outpaced
               inflation during this period, according to BLS.  PCE data reflects consumer spending, which accounts for about two-
                                                               thirds of U.S. economic activity. By analyzing PCE trends, the Fed can
            •   Employment Cost Index: BLS reported compensation costs   assess the overall economic health and consumer confidence.
               for civilian workers increased by 4.6% for the 12-month period
               ending in March 2024, with wages and salaries rising by 4.5%  IMPORTANCE OF PCE
               over the same period    .
                                                               Based on PCE data, the Fed adjusts its monetary policy to achieve its dual
        Overall, while nominal wage growth is robust, real wage growth is   mandate of maximum employment and stable prices. If PCE indicates
        modest but positive, indicating that wages are growing slightly faster   rising inflation above the target, the Fed may raise interest rates to
        than inflation, thereby improving purchasing power for workers. This   cool down the economy. Conversely, if PCE shows weak spending and
        dynamic is crucial for the Federal Reserve as it assesses the balance   low inflation, the Fed may lower interest rates to stimulate economic
        between wage growth and inflation in its monetary policy decisions.  activity.
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