Page 11 - Virtual Drama Scripts
P. 11

Village Head  : (humble) We help each other in times like these,
                                     Sir. The most important thing is Tania's health.
             Arjun              : Yes, Sir. Our family would like to say thank you

                                     for your help. May God reward your kindness.
             Village Head  : Aamiin.. my pleasure to help your family.

             Mr. Anwar      : (determined) When the harvest season arrives
                                     and the dry season subsides, we'll repay the
                                     money as soon as we can.

             Village Head  : (compassionate) Mr. Anwar, Tania’s well-being is
                                     what matters most.

             Narrator: Residents are affected by various diseases due to
             unhealthy air like upper respiratory  infections; body itching,

             measles, flu, or  irritation to the eyes that often occurs in this dry
             season. And, tania also has received help from the village head
             and her condition has gradually improved.
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