Page 12 - Virtual Drama Scripts
P. 12

Scene 4: A Changing Village

             Casts   : Arjun and his friends

             Setting : The village shows signs of transformation, with
                           improved infrastructure and thriving businesses.


             Back sound:


             Narrator: Over time, Oelpuah Village undergoes a remarkable

             transformation. It evolves from a barren land into a place of
             remarkable progress. New houses, paved roads, and flourishing

             small businesses bring a new lease of life to the community.

             Friend 1  : (very grateful) God has answered our prayers.. Now,

                              Oelpuah Village and the lives of local residents are
                              starting to seem to change.

             Friend 2  : Yes, now our village has become better.. we should
                              be thankful to government assistance so that

                              residents do not feel difficult anymore..
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