Page 328 - EW September 2023
P. 328




                  mong primary-secondary   Because they offer the advantages of valuable gender
                  education  institutions,  interaction, life skills education, the excellent co-curricular
                  day-cum-boarding schools
         Aoffer         children   several   and sports infrastructure of boarding schools and student
         unique  advantages.  Firstly,  without   body diversity, day-cum-boarding schools are becoming
         explicitly stating as much, they are   increasingly popular countrywide
         invariably  liberal  co-ed  institutions
         which inculcate mutual respect and
         modern egalitarian ideals in children
         of both sexes from young age. Hav-
         ing experienced a prolonged all-boys
         boarding school experience, your
         correspondent can vouch for the ad-
         vantages in terms of valuable gender
         interaction and life skills that co-ed
         schools invariably confer upon their
            Secondly, because they have large
         contingents of boarders, they offer ex-
         cellent co-curricular and sports infra-
         structure that boarding schools pro-
         vide, to day scholars. This is beneficial
         for day scholars who are unlikely to
         have access to a wide range of extra-
         curricular  educational  activities  in
         ordinary day schools. Third, the daily
         presence of day scholars adds to stu-
         dents’ body diversity on campus and
         gives boarders who would otherwise
         be a homogenous lot of children from   The Emerald Heights’ Siddharth Singh: “genuinely integrated holistic education”
         upscale families, the opportunity to
         mix with and interact with day schol-
         ars from diverse income groups and   that following complaints from rela-  schools  this  year.  The  new  genre
         cultural backgrounds. Moreover con-  tively  newly  promoted  Day,  Board-  superbly furbished  The Emerald
         temporary day-cum-boarding schools   ing and International schools that   Heights  International  School,
         offer  the  option  of  weekly  boarding   rating  and  ranking  them  with  vin-  Indore (EHIS) and Sai Interna-
         which reduces separation of parents   tage  schools,  some  of  which  were   tional, Bhubaneswar have retained
         and children that are a feature of   established more than a century ago,   their  joint  #1  ranking,  followed  by
         boarding schools.                provided  an  “uneven  playing  field,”   Greenwood High, Bangalore and
             All these advantages perhaps ex-  after much deliberation and debate   DPS, R.K. Puram, Delhi  jointly
         plain the increasing popularity of day-  vintage/legacy   day-cum-boarding   ranked #2. The incommunicado Palli
         cum-boarding schools that offer chil-  schools — over 90 years — are sepa-  koodam School, Kottayam (Kera-
         dren the best of both worlds. That’s   rately ranked inter se.    la) is promoted to #3 (cf. #4 last year)
         also why the EducationWorld league   Against this backdrop, there is only   and DPS, Vasant Kunj, Delhi to
         table of (co-ed) day-cum-boarding   minor change in the seating order at   #4 (#5) together with Neerja Modi
         schools is lengthening year by year.   the top table of India’s most admired   School, Jaipur promoted to #5 (6).
            Moreover,  it’s  important  to  note   (non-vintage)   Day-cum-boarding   “I am delighted that your knowl-

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