Page 329 - EW September 2023
P. 329

edgeable  sample  respondents  have
         voted  EHIS  India’s  #1  day-cum-
         boarding school for the second year
         running. The secret of our success is
         our  focus  on  genuinely  integrated,
         holistic education — a near-optimal
         blend of academic, co-curricular
         and sports schooling to our children.
         This together with the individual at-
         tention our teachers accord to every
         child — our teacher-pupil ratio is
         maintained at 1:20 — and our culture
         of winning, not merely participating,
         in academics, debates, quizzing and
         sports championships, has enabled
         us to provide a stimulating learning
         environment  to  our  students,”  says
         Siddharth Singh, the youthful Di-
         rector of EHIS promoted by his par-
         ents in 1984. Since taking charge of
         the school in 2011, the highly quali-
         fied (finance and economics postgrad   Greenwood High’s Niru Agarwal: #2 2022-23 rank retained
         of Stonybrook University, New York
         and Harvard leadership programme),     Road, Delhi is ranked #9 (6); Ma-  it’s important to teach children who
         Singh has equipped the school set on   harana Mewar Public School,   come from upper middle class homes
         a green campus in suburban Indore   Udaipur has retained its #9 rank and   to receive high quality education, to
         with superb latter-day infrastructure   Geekay World School, Vellore   make time and effort to give back to
         and  highly  trained  and  motivated   ranked  #10  (10)  jointly  with  ODM   society,”  says  Agarwal,  an  alumna
         teachers.                        Public School, Bhubaneswar and   of Tinsukia University who has also
           “Every year our school-leavers are   SSVM School, Coimbatore.   promoted  seven  pre-primaries  and
         admitted into the best American uni-  Ms. Niru Agarwal, promoter-di-  the Cuddle Foundation which runs a
         versities  including  Harvard,  Brown   rector of Greenwood High School,   fully equipped hospital for children af-
         and U Cal, some of them on full schol-  Bangalore (GHS,  estb.2004),  is   flicted with cancer. Currently GHS has
         arship,” says Singh. Currently, EHIS   “very happy” this CISCE and IB-affil-  4,500 girls and boys mentored by 480
         with highest scores under the param-  iated co-ed day-cum-boarding school   teachers on its muster rolls.
         eters of academic reputation, indi-  set on a green 39-acre campus in sub-  Likewise Dr. Alka Sharma, pro-
         vidual attention to students, parental   urban Bangalore has retained its #2   moter-director of the Central Public
         involvement and infrastructure, has   ranking of 2022-23 in “a very com-  School, Udaipur (CPS, estb. 1989), is
         4,200 boys and girls — 780 of them   petitive category”.          “extremely happy” to learn that CPS
         boarders — mentored by 200 teachers   “Since  we  took  over  this  school   is steadily rising in the esteem of the
         on its 40-acre campus.           in 2010 we have spared no effort to   informed public. “In CPS our educa-
           Further down the Top 10 table, the   ensure that our children are given an   tion philosophy is to ensure that chil-
         Sanskaar Valley School, Bhopal   education  experience  that  develops   dren have a sense of belonging and
         at #6 has traded rank this year with   mind,  body  and  soul.  This  is  testi-  enjoy their learning experience with
         Neerja  Modi,  Jaipur  while  the  con-  fied by our top scores under the pa-  us. Therefore we take pains to involve
         sistently  well-managed  The Mann   rameters of academic reputation, co-  our parents’ community and partner
         School, Delhi with excellent scores   curricular  and  sports  education.  To   with  us  to  ensure  their  children’s
         for co-curricular education and lead-  ensure  a fully integrated  education   mental  and  emotional  well-being.
         ership,  has  retained  its  #7  rank  to-  for our children we invest heavily in   To this end, we also invest consider-
         gether  with  Yadavindra Public   teacher welfare and development, so   able resources in teacher welfare and
         School, Mohali at #7 (7). Hyder-  that our teachers teach innovatively   training and have developed an insti-
         abad Public School, Ramnatha-    and with confidence. I am also pleased   tutional culture wherein teachers re-
         puram  is  co-ranked  #8  (8)  with   with our high score under the param-  spect children and vice versa. There is
         Central Public School, Udaipur   eter of community service because our   great emphasis in CPS on our children
         promoted to #8 (9). DPS Mathura   management and teachers believe that   having a peaceful and happy learning

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