Page 360 - EW September 2023
P. 360



         With co-ed schools
         becoming increasingly
         popular, the league table
         of all-boys schools has
         been steadily shrinking.
         Nevertheless they
         continue to enjoy outsized
         reputations for excellent
         academic, sports and co-
         curricular education

                ven though the EWISR league
                table of India’s best all-boys
                day schools is shrinking with
         Ethe  great  majority  of  new
         schools promoted being co-ed insti-
         tutions, boys-only schools continue   St. John’s High, Chandigarh’s Br. Ryan Fernandes: #1 second consecutive year
         to enjoy outsized reputations for de-
         livering  excellent  academic,  sports   mitment to high-quality education to   Columba’s  School,  Delhi  at  #4
         and co-curricular education. EWISR   positively impact students’ lives. It’s   have  interchanged  their  last  year’s
         2023-24 rates and ranks the country’s   also very satisfying to learn that the   ranks. DAV Boys Senior Second-
         28 best boys-only day schools inter se   school is top-ranked for competence   ary, Gopalapuram, Chennai has
         (and another 24 in the vintage legacy   of faculty, effective leadership, infra-  retained  its  #5  rank,  Don Bosco
         category created last year, see p.364).  structure and mental and emotional   School, Park Circus, Kolkata has
           This  year  the  18,928  sample  re-  well-being services because these pa-  been  promoted  to  #6  (#7  in  2022-
         spondents  —  parents,  principals,   rameters are critical for well-rounded   23) as has M.C. Kejriwal Vidyap-
         teachers  and  senior  students — in-  education. Our faculty is well-trained   eeth, Howrah  to  #7  (#8),  NASR
         terviewed by the Delhi-based Centre   to  innovate  and  adapt  to  changing   Boys, Hyderabad to #8 (#9) and
         for Forecasting & Research (C fore),   educational trends and technologies   Don Bosco School, Siliguri to #9
         have  once  again  voted  St. John’s   and  our  green  campus  is  equipped   (#10). DAV Boys Senior Second-
         High School, Chandigarh India’s   with state-of-the-art enabling infra-  ary, Mogappair, Chennai has lost
         #1 boys day school with top scores un-  structure  and  facilities.  These  high   ground this year and is ranked #9 (#6)
         der the parameters of competence of   parameter rankings indicate that St.   even as Loyola School, Thiruvana-
         faculty, leadership, infrastructure and   John’s provides a rigorous academic   nthapuram has received a huge pro-
         mental/emotional  well-being.  Pro-  curriculum and also a supportive and   motion to #10 (#14).
         moted in 1959 by the Congregation of   nurturing environment preparing stu-  Mallika Mukherjee, princi-
         Christian Brothers on a 30-acre cam-  dents, not just for scholastic achieve-  pal  of  the  CISCE-affiliated  M.C.
         pus in the heart of Chandigarh, this   ment but also for life,” says Br. Ryan   Kejriwal Vidyapeeth, Howrah
         CBSE-affiliated K-12 school has 2,120   Fernandes, appointed principal of   (MCKV, estb.1997), is delighted with
         students mentored by 102 teachers on   St. John’s High earlier this year.  the school’s steady ascent in the EW
         its musters.                       Further  down  the  Top  10  league   league table from #12 in 2021-22 to
           “It’s a significant achievement for   table, there’s minor change in seating   #8 in 2022-23 and #7 this year. “We
         our entire school community that St.   order. Campion School, Mumbai   are honoured to be ranked among In-
         John’s High is ranked India’s #1 boys   has retained its #2 rank of last year   dia’s Top 10 boys day schools in the
         day school for the second consecutive   while  Birla High School, Moira   prestigious  EducationWorld  India
         year. It reflects our consistent com-  Street, Kolkata, ranked #3 and St.   School Rankings. The improved rank

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