Page 24 - EW July 2024
P. 24

Education News

         that era as falsified and inaccurate.                                       the state government
           According to Dr. Saagar                                                   has escalated simmer-
         Tewari, associate professor of his-                                         ing tension between the
         tory at the top-ranked O.P. Jindal                                          education ministry and
         Global University, Sonipat, history is                                      the women and child
         an important subject as it provides “a                                      development   (WCD)
         chronological architecture in young                                         ministry as government
         minds” and a basic understanding                                            schools fall under the
         of their society. “History is to society                                    former’s jurisdiction and
         what memory is to an individual — a                                         anganwadis under WCD.
         repository of the past. At the same                                         Reacting, Chief Minis-
         time, there are some past events                                            ter Siddaramaiah has
         which are disturbing and should be                                          ordered chief secretary
         sanitised to maintain social peace                                          L.K.  Atheeq  to  initiate
         and harmony — Partition of India                                            parleys between the two
         in 1947 for instance.” Responding   WCD minister Laxmi Hebbalkar: upskilling plan  ministries and arrive at a
         to NCERT director Dinesh Saklani’s                                          workable solution.
         justification for toning down violent   grade 20,000 (of a total 62,580) an-  n June 24, a meeting was called
         historic events, he says it’s pertinent   ganwadis into pre-primaries to make  Oby  the  chief  minister  between
         to note that even in England/Scot-  them ‘NEP compliant’ was announced   Madhu Bangarappa, minister for
         land, history textbooks have “totally   by  the  state’s  BJP  government  in   school education and literacy, and
         sanitised the violence and brutality   2022.  A  year  later,  a  new  Congress   Laxmi Hebbalkar, minister of
         of British imperialism”.         government was voted into power in   WCD. After these parleys, the CM’s
           In 1916, American motorcars ty-  the legislative assembly election of   office announced that the education
         coon Henry Ford (1863-1947) opined   May  2023.  Fortunately,  although  it   ministry has been directed not to start
         that history is bunk. NCERT doesn’t   has rejected and scrapped statewide   any new pre-primaries in government
         seem to place much value on it either  implementation of NEP 2020 legis-  schools beyond the already sanctioned
                          Autar Nehru (Delhi)  lated by the BJP government at the   2,786, and that a committee of experts
                                          Centre, it has continued to upgrade   will soon be constituted to chalk out a
           KARNATAKA                      the state’s anganwadis.          plan to upgrade the state’s anganwa-
                                            Indeed, according to some ECCE
         Early education                  educators, the state’s Congress gov-  dis to deliver equivalent quality early
                                                                           years education. But the challenge of
         conundrum                        ernment has ventured beyond up-  transforming anganwadis into pre-
                                                                           primaries is that the overwhelming
                                          grading anganwadis, and permitted
                                          262 composite government schools to
                                                                           majority of anganwadi workers are
               fter the national education   start kindergarten sections (LKG and   class X secondary school-leavers with
               Policy (NEP) 2020 mandated   UKG) in 2023-24.               no formal training in early childhood
         Areconfiguration  of  the  10+2    With these KG sections running   education.
         primary-secondary schooling system   successfully, on June 11, the state’s   “Anganwadis were promoted under
         into a new 5+3+3+4 continuum for-  education ministry  issued an  order   the Centre’s Integrated Child Devel-
         mally integrating early childhood care   to start pre-primary/KG classes in an   opment Scheme (ICDS) in 1976 and
         and education (ECCE) into elemen-  additional 1,008 government primary   entrusted  with  five  responsibilities
         tary education, several states across   schools in the Kalyana Karnataka re-  — immunisation of children, provi-
         the country have begun the process of   gion (educationally backward districts   sion of nutrition, provision of health
         integrating three years of early child-  of Bidar, Kalaburagi, Raichur, Yadgir,   checkups, health/nutrition education
         hood education by introducing kin-  Ballari,  Vijayanagara,  and  Koppal)   and pre-primary education. Until NEP
         dergarten sections in composite pri-  and  578  schools  in  other  districts.   2020 was legislated, no government
         mary/secondary government schools   However, this latest government ini-  emphasised the education function of
         and/or  upgrading  anganwadis —   tiative  has  riled  the  state’s  69,000   anganwadis. Now they want angan-
         Central/state government-promoted   anganwadi workers who fear loss of   wadi workers to transform overnight
         nutritional centres for newborns and   employment. They apprehend that   into early childhood teachers with the
         lactating mothers — into pre-primary   parents will enrol youngest children   threat that failing this transformation,
         schools.                         for pre-primary classes in government   they will start pre-primary sections in
           In the southern state of Karnataka   schools rather than in anganwadis.   government schools. This will be a big
         (pop.69 million), an initiative to up-  Simultaneously, this initiative of   mistake as thousands of anganwadi

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