Page 32 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 32

Opportunities-Weaknesses                Opportunities- Threats                  Weakness-Threats
         Use of school MOOE to purchase printers, ink,   Primarily, if the signal is weak or intermittent in   Only few students who may want to experience
         and bond papers, since most of the learners   the area, online learning is not a possibility lim-  online learning may be able to borrow tablets
         preferred printed materials.          iting options for mode of teaching. The teacher   and participate well in computer-mediated
                                               may have to make use of printed modules and   learning/ online classes.
         SMME and other sections in charge of checking   strengthen partnership with parents in the
         school AIPs and WFPs must scrutinize the pur-  distribution and retrieval of modules.   Profiling of students in the school shall be led
         pose of procurement done by schools in order                                 by the YFP through the EPS-SGOD so that the
         that the priority needs related to LCP are being   CID to consider in the planning the availability   learners who are interested to experience online
         addressed                             of modules ready for printing          learning but who cannot avail of gadgets may
                                                                                      be given the chance. However, online learning
         Only few students who may want to experience   Accounting section shall check the SOBs if the   session is not mandatory.
         online learning may be able to borrow tablets   schools preferred printed modules and yet, the
         and participate well in computer-mediated   materials to be bought are different.  Use of school MOOE to purchase printers, ink,
         learning/ online classes                                                     and bond papers, since most of the learners
                                               Reliability of technological equipment like hard-  preferred printed materials.
         Profiling of students in the school shall be led   ware failures, incompatible software between
         by the YFP through the EPS-SGOD so that the   home and school, and poor internet connectiv-  SMME and other sections in charge of checking
         learners who are interested to experience online  ity is a hindrance to its utilization. Upgrading of   school AIPs and WFPs must scrutinize the pur-
         learning but who cannot avail of gadgets may   ICT equipment through MOOE or in partnership  pose of procurement done by schools in order
         be given the chance. However, online learning   with willing sponsors.       that the priority needs related to LCP are being
         session is not mandatory.                                                    addressed
                                               ICTS to provide authentic and official data
         HRD will check on the HRMD Plan of the divi-  determining the connectivity of schools as to   SMN, ICTS and other active personnel may have
         sion for possible adjustment  for the schools to   texting, calls, messenger, FB, email, etc.  to work together in the preparation of propos-
         prioritize utilization of MOOE and reflect this in                           als, coordination and communicating with these
         their WFP/ SOB.                       Less or low enrolment in the barangay since   possible partners.
                                               few students / pupils will be enrolled and school
         Accounting section shall provide TA to schools   performance will also be affected or percentage  Technological resources such as computers
         on this matter.                       of school enrolment might go down. The transi-  and internet connections are very expensive.
                                               tion may discourage or affect the motivation of   Learners may not afford to have these facilities/
         Distance learning may reduce transportation   learners.                      resources.
         cost and food allowance incurred by parents
         when their children go to school.     Coordination with barangay in the monitoring   Strengthen partnership with LGUs through SEF,
                                               of school age children to be enrolled in schools   alumni association, private companies (BENE-
         This may become part of advocacy material or a  within the locality. Information dissemination   CO, ABOITIZ, Philex mines, HEDCOR etc).
         study to be conducted.                through print and online to be initiated by the
                                               SMN, YFP, GCs, Sports Coordinator.     SMN, SGOD, ICTS and other active personnel
         With the start or adjustment on the implemen-                                may initiate the crafting of proposals for this
         tation of alternative learning delivery mode, it   Strengthen partnership with telecommunica-  concern.
         will be labor intensive for teachers. Instead of   tion companies
         having one lesson done in one setting, it may be                             Profiling of parents as to economic status,
         done multiple times to attend to smaller groups  Orientation of parents, teachers, learners about  employment
         of learners in either online or actual face to face  data consumption, utilization of online materi-
         interaction. School heads and CID shall study   als that require data, safety precautions, child   SMN will monitor the profiling of parents by the
         ways and means which can be recommended   protection policies, data privacy and others.  schools
         for adoption by teachers.
                                               SMN, ICTS and other active personnel may   Government has a huge role to play in this per-
         Teachers may be capacitated on how to prepare  have to work together in the preparation of   spective by providing funds for providing such
         syllabus to guide them in scheduling their learn-  proposals, coordination and communicating   resources.
         ing sessions. This can be one content of learning  with these possible partners.
         and development to be initiated through the                                  With the lack of access to these resources, it
         CID and HRD.                          Technological resources such as computers   contributes to parents’ loss of interest in enroll-
                                               and internet connections are very expensive.   ing their child to school, learners’ non-accessi-
         Setting of parameters, guidelines, safety nets,   Learners may not afford to have these facilities/  bility to schoolworks, or even poor relationships
         precautionary measures to safeguard children   resources.                    with peers or teachers.
         against the threat of cyberbullying, cybercrime,
         mental health.                        Strengthen partnership with LGUs through SEF,  SHS, SMN, YFP, GCs and EPS-SGOD and
                                               alumni association, private companies (BENE-  CID may have to prepare proposals to orient
         CPC, Legal officer, GCs, YFPs, EPS of SGOD,   CO, ABOITIZ, Philex mines, HEDCOR etc).   learners, parents and teachers about the new
         SMME, PTA will have to come together in this                                 normal.
         concern.                              SMN, SGOD, ICTS and other active personnel
                                               may initiate the crafting of proposals for this   ALS program will be tapped. Alternative Mode
         The school heads have to identify the teach-  concern.                       of Teaching will apply to this situation. Stay at
         ers under this level so that they shall be given                             home policy is still the best if face to face is not
         the proper intervention by the school or the                                 possible and with alternative modality at home
         division.                                                                    like home study. Provision of home schooling
                                                                                      in exploring potential skills ,talents of learners
                                                                                      such as painting, cooking and others may be
                                                                                      encouraged and their outputs be recognized.

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                  Page 26
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