Page 28 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 28

Strength- Opportunities                Strength- Weaknesses                     Strength- Threats
         There is a possibility for school personnel   Possibility of Working from Home. The HRD   Primarily, if the signal is weak or intermittent
         to Work from Home. The HRD may have to   may have to assess the learning and develop-  in the area, online learning is not a possibility
         assess the learning and development oppor-  ment opportunities while the SMME and CID   limiting options for mode of teaching. The
         tunities while the SMME and CID may have to  may have to provide assessment, supervi-  teacher may have to make use of printed mod-
         provide assessment, supervision, monitoring.  sion, monitoring.              ules and strengthen partnership with parents
                                                                                      in the distribution and retrieval of modules. CID
         Proper communication media may have to be  Proper communication media may have to be  to consider in the planning the availability of
         utilized or Division issuances contextualizing   utilized or Division issuances contextualizing   modules ready for printing.
         reward and recognition to encourage teach-  reward and recognition to encourage teach-
         ers to attend webinars, be informed through   ers to attend webinars, be informed through   Accounting section shall check the SOBs if the
         self-help or use social media responsibly. This  self-help or use social media responsibly. This  schools preferred printed modules and yet, the
         may also be applied to SDO personnel.  may also be applied to SDO personnel.  materials to be bought are different.
         Orientation of parents, teachers, learners about  Communication gap or problems may occur due  Reliability of technological equipment like hard-
         data consumption, utilization of online materi-  to dependence with telecommunication gad-  ware failures, incompatible software between
         als that require data, safety precautions, child   gets or equipment especially to those learners,   home and school, and poor internet connectiv-
         protection policies, data privacy and others.  parents, and teachers or school personnel who   ity is a hindrance to its utilization. Upgrading of
                                               are not inclined with the use of such. Therefore,   ICT equipment through MOOE or in partnership
         Teachers are willing to engage in the develop-  there is a need to profile the parents who prefer   with willing sponsors.
         ment and provision of Learning Resources to   online mode for them to be given the proper
         learners appropriate to the different modalities.  orientation or training.   ICTS to provide authentic and official data
                                                                                      determining the connectivity of schools as to
         Profiling of potential teachers and engaging   The Child Protection Committee, , School   texting, calls, messenger, FB, email.
         them productively may also be subject to recog-  Health Section, Youth Formation Personnel and
         nition and rewards.                   Guidance Counselors may come together and   Less or low enrolment in the barangay since
         Setting of parameters, guidelines, safety nets,   devise a plan to start orienting learners about   few students / pupils will be enrolled and school
         precautionary measures to safeguard children   the new normal, distance learning and the   performance will also be affected, or percentage
         against the threat of cyberbullying, cybercrime,   threats of Covid 19.      of school enrolment might go down. The transi-
         mental health.                                                               tion may discourage or affect the motivation of
                                               Not all learners and parents will be updated with  learners.
         CPC, Legal officer, GCs, YFPs, EPS of SGOD,   new practices that DepEd is adopting. Widen-
         SMME, PTA will have to come together in this   ing the scope of communication channel can   Coordination with barangay in the monitoring
         concern.                              be considered – example, involving local radio   of school age children to be enrolled in schools
                                               stations.                              within the locality. Information dissemination
         Teachers can work from home during times of                                  through print and online to be initiated by the
         scheduled online interaction; they can partic-  Profiling of schools which can be served by the   SMN, YFP, GCs, Sports Coordinator.
         ipate during webinars this May, June, and July   AM or FM stations and the possible partnership
         while at home or in school; they can proceed in   with these stations shall be initiated by the   Strengthen partnership with telecommunica-
         downloading and contextualizing LRs; and they   SMME.                        tion companies. Parent and teacher conferences
         can participate in LR development.                                           on the conduct of blended and home study
                                               Teachers are willing to engage in the develop-  approach is a must for teacher or the learner.
         The CID may have to work hand in hand with   ment and provision of Learning Resources to
         the HRD in monitoring productivity and collabo-  learners appropriate to the different modalities.  Learners may not be technology savvy. As a re-
         rative effort shared by teachers                                             sult, even if the technological resources like tablet
                                               Profiling of potential teachers and engaging   are made available, they do not utilize these
         Provision of internet load or cellphone load for   them productively may also be subject to recog-  resources because they are unable to operate
         teachers to use in connecting with learners,   nition and rewards.           them. Profiling of learners who may have opted
         teachers, school head.                                                       for online learning but are not ICT savvy, hence,
                                               Only few students who may want to experience   there is a need to engage them earlier before the
         DCP laptops or desktops can be borrowed by   online learning may be able to borrow tablets   start of classes. ICTS may have to determine the
         teachers upon request so that they can partici-  and participate well in computer-mediated   teachers who may be able to engage learners in
         pate in telecommuting and developing of ADM   learning/ online classes.      addressing this.
         modules this April to July.
                                               Profiling of students in the school shall be led   Teachers are willing to engage in the develop-
         The ICTS may have to determine and provide   by the YFP through the EPS-SGOD so that the   ment and provision of Learning Resources to
         authentic and official data of functional laptops,   learners who are interested to experience online   learners appropriate to the different modalities.
         desktops and PC Tabs issued in schools  learning but who cannot avail of gadgets may
                                               be given the chance. However, online learning   Profiling of potential teachers and engaging them
         HRD will check on the HRMD Plan of the division   session is not mandatory.  productively may also be subject to recognition
         for possible adjustment                                                      and rewards.
                                               Use of school MOOE to purchase printers, ink,
         The presence of ICT expert and advance teach-  and bond papers, since most of the learners pre-  SMN, ICTS and other active personnel may have
         ers can help facilitate the capability-building of   ferred printed materials.  to work together in the preparation of proposals,
         intermediate teachers. On the other hand, even                               coordination and communicating with these
         majority are at the intermediate level, this means  SMME and other sections in charge of check-  possible partners.
         that the teachers can be trainable to level up.  ing school AIPs and WFPs must scrutinize the
                                               purpose of procurement done by schools in order
                                               that the priority needs related to LCP are being

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                  Page 22
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