Page 24 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 24

Furthermore, as most of the Schools Division of Benguet    marized as 4Cs - Connectivity, problem reflected as well
        stakeholders are willing to provide printed modules and    in the papers of Agha (2020), Dans (2020), and Saavedra
        reading materials for the alternative delivery modes of    (2020); Capability, problem also seen in the papers of
        teaching and learning, the Schools Division Office may     Bettinger and Loeb  (2017), Burr and Tindale (2020), de
        request collaborative effort among Education Program       Castillo (2020), Hall and Batty (2020), Koehler and Mish-
        Supervisors, Education Program Specialists, School         ra (2009), Kumar (2015), Poole-Boykin (2020); Saavedra
        Heads, Department Heads, and Master Teachers to initi-     (2020), and Weitzel (2020); Condition, predicament as
        ate, spearhead, and facilitate the construction of printed   well noted in World Bank’s (2020) report;  and Consti-
        modules for each subject area and for each grade level     tution, predicament also recorded in the study of Hand
        and to ensure the completion and distribution of the con-  (2018) and McMullen (2003).
        structed modules prior to the resumption of classes.
                                                                   In summary, research results on alternative learning
        As transition from the traditional teaching and learning   delivery mode and the information gathered from the
        delivery mode is expected, the Schools Division Office     School Readiness Form both showed congruency on the
        needs to religiously review the Learning Continuity Oper-  capability, capacity, and condition of schools and districts
        ational Plan (LCOP), Annual Implementation Plan (AIP),     in the Schools Division of Benguet. These efforts done
        and the revised Work Financial Plan (WFP) submitted by     by SDO Benguet have enlightened the Planning team in
        each school to check if these are rooted to the  proposed   determining the appropriate methods and strategies to
        Alternative Learning Delivery Mode, reflect result of      be indicated in the Learning Continuity Plan which will
        the need and environmental analyses conducted, and         guide the Division in the incoming SY 2020-2021. Such
        solve primary school stakeholders concerns in relation to   comprehensive information will be the main basis and
        Alternative Teaching and Learning Delivery modes sum-      backbone to support SDO Benguet projects, programs
                                                                   and activities

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        Schools Division of Benguet                  LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                 Page 18
        Schools Division of Benguet
                                                   LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN
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