Page 22 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 22
residence and are within their municipality. even ECQ, it is with no ease for school personnel to be travel-
ling from one municipality to the other without following the
Over 793 of the school personnel in the Schools Division of 14 days quarantine guidelines. This may bring about psycho-
Benguet are residing outside the municipality where their logical and physical negative effects on teachers that may in
schools are located. Not to undermine the situation of GCQ or the end become the cause for low quality teaching-learning
Table 12 . School Personnel Information on Residential Location
Itogon II Kabayan Kapangan Kibu-ngan La Trinidad Manka-yan
Atok Bakun Buguias Bokod Itogon I Sablan Tuba Tublay TOTAL
with permanent residence within the barangay 110 157 326 122 187 153 128 164 128 246 271 45 226 112 2375
of the school / teaching station
With permanent residence within the municipal- 125 174 365 176 257 162 157 209 153 516 302 82 274 164 3116
ity of the school / teaching station
With permanent residence outside the munici- 44 34 75 21 41 35 24 31 35 185 76 29 71 92 793
pality of the school / teaching station
With permanent residence located in Baguio
City and commute every day to go to the school 4 1 1 0 23 12 0 5 0 63 0 9 47 49 214
/ teaching station
With permanent residence located in Baguio
City but has a boarding house near the school / 8 5 8 4 9 7 3 11 1 10 13 7 27 6 119
teaching station
With permanent residence located in La Union
and you commute every day to go to the school 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 4 0 12
/ teaching station
With permanent residence located in La Union
but has a boarding house near the school / 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 3 3 2 0 13
With permanent residence located in Mountain
Province and you commute every day to go to 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9
the school / teaching station
With permanent residence located in Mountain
Province but has a boarding house near the 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 10 0 0 1 17
school / teaching station
With permanent residence located in Ilocos
Sur and you commute every day to go to the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3
school / teaching station
With permanent residence located in Ilocos
Sur but has a boarding house near the school 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 1 13
/ teaching
Goes home every Fridays and come back
every Sundays - with permanent residence
within the municipality, Baguio City, Mountain 10 21 58 20 15 6 16 26 23 4 48 14 22 7 290
Province, Ilocos Sur, or La Union but has a
boarding house near the school / teaching
D. Considerations
The Schools Division took note of the conclusions and and to differentiate the learning environment thus mak-
recommendations of the research conducted in order ing learning more accessible and attractive to learners.
to be guided in identifying the strategic options that are ADMs have been identified as one of the Philippine
responsive to the new normal created by the pandemic. DepEd’s significant programmatic responses (SEAMEO
INNOTECH, 2019).
The Philippines, even before this pandemic caused havoc
on the learning system, had in place alternative delivery Dep-Ed had developed several programs under ADM.
modes. Alternative delivery modes (ADMs), consid-
ered as one of the Flexible Learning Options (FLOs), are Some programs under the Alternative Delivery Modal-
nontraditional modes or systems of education delivery ities in the Philippine education system introduced in
that are implemented within the formal basic education 2011 are e-IMPACT (Enhanced Instructional Manage-
system and allow schools to deliver quality education ment by Parents Community and Teachers System,
to marginalized students and those at risk of dropping MISOSA (Modified In-School Off-School), Home-school-
out, as well as help the latter overcome personal, social, ing Program, Multigrade Program in Philippine Educa-
and economic constraints (Department of Education tion (MPPE), and Dropout Reduction Program (DORP)
[DepEd], 2012). ADMs are systems that hope to enrich (DepEd, 2011) and other local initiatives. In 2012, the