Page 18 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 18

Table 8 shows the number of procured printers in good      elementary, secondary, and ALS as provided by the
        condition and available for teachers to use in the 14      respective school heads as well, the information on the
        districts. It further shows the number of teachers in the   ratio of printer to teacher use.

        Table 8.  Number of School Procured Printers and Ratio of Printer and Teacher in the Fourteen District of  SDO

                              Atok   Bakun  Buguias  Bokod  Itogon I  Itogon II  Kabayan  Kapangan  Kibungan  La Trinidad  Mankayan  Sablan  Tuba  Tublay

         Number of school
         procured printers
         in good condition   121   118   232    154    139    122    103    141     99    247    199     58    178    113
         and available for
         teachers to use
            Number of
             Teachers       169    176   429    190    269    192    187    241    174    627    417    107    355    223

         Ratio (Printer to
             Teacher)        1:2    1:2    1:2    1:2    1:2    1:2    1:2    1:2    1:2    1:3    1:2   1:2    1:2    1:2

        Using the ratio as basis, the available equipment or print-  ingness of parents in providing other needed resources
        ers for use of teachers is sufficient, but still the bulk of   for their child to use.
        materials to be printed must be taken into consideration
        before assuring that these resources will be enough.       If upon further validation, blended learning or distance
        Equipment as we know have a life span, and regardless      learning is the most applicable in the area or school lo-
        of it being old or new, the possibility of technical issues   cation, teachers must be well equipped with ICT gadgets
        may still occur along the process, therefore, school heads  and equipment to be able to deliver learning and teach-
        were advised to include inventory of photocopier and       ing effectively with utmost quality. Table 9 shows the
        other machines for reproduction and plan smart on how      identified number of teachers with and without laptop
        they will spend their MOOE as reflected in their ongoing   or desktop as determined in the Schools Readiness data
        AIP accomplishment activity. This initiative of schools is   entry of all 14 districts and the number of DCP laptops
        considered one of their counterparts in the declared will-  and desktops available for those with none to use.

        Table 9. Number of DCP laptops and desktops and Number of Teachers With and Without ICT Equipment or

        There are more teachers with personal laptops and          look into interventions they can do subject to DepEd
        desktops as compared to the number of teachers having      guidelines in order for them to take responsibility or
        none. The number of DCP laptops and Desktops also          identify what they need to do as counterpart to teach-
        available in the schools are more than enough to be used   ers who will be using their own desktops and/or laptops
        by 686 teachers. The schools were also encouraged to       purposely for teaching and learning.

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                  Page 12
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