Page 14 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 14

Table 3 expounds more on the connectivity signal of school personnel in the 14 districts.


         CONNECTIVITY                                                       Kapangan  Kibungan  La Trinidad  Mankayan   TOTAL
                                 Atok  Bakun  Buguias  Bokod  Itogon I  Itogon II  Kabayan          Sablan  Tuba  Tublay

         Smart/ TNT           99    130   277   153   184    116   56    141    67   331   277    28    155   157    2171

         Globe / TM           71     65   124    62    46    66    142         110   111   134    55    159    57    1297

         PLDT                  2     1     2      0    19     3     1     1     0    124     0    17    23     16    209
         Converge              2     2     0      0     2     3     0     2     1     69    14     1     11    7     114
         None                 17     7     66     0    43    22    13     19    19    56    59    16    39     13    389

         Others                0     0     0      0     0     0     0     0     0      1     0     0     0     0      1

        Looking at the internet cable connection, there are only   come productive and effective in their own line of work.
        few school personnel who have this connection (324) as     Collaborative planning with the immediate supervisors
        compared to mobile data. This may limit the activities     and providing guidance to school personnel is a priority
        that an intermediate, advance, and expert teacher in ICT   before they assume work this June.
        can do. Regardless of the presence of Smart and Globe
        (prepaid wifi / mobile data) signal, there is a risk in the   To further identify and understand the situation of school
        quality of service, and limitations on online activities that  personnel who are having the above-mentioned home
        can be experienced which may be one cause of not being  connectivity, the following table shows the limited mode
        able to meet the objectives laid per session conducted.    of telecommunication they can do. Majority of elemen-
        Planning on how to deal with this situation through alter-  tary and secondary teachers can text, call, and use mes-
        native solutions and taking into consideration the lim-    senger in relaying information to learners, parents, and
        itations of parents and learners who may experience the    co-workers. With the majority of teachers under basic
        same challenge is a priority before deciding or finalizing   ICT competency, the mode of telecommunication shows
        the best alternative learning delivery mode to be imple-   congruency. But with the hope that teachers under basic
        mented in the schools or district.                         ICT competency be elevated to intermediate or advance,
                                                                   other possibilities of mode of telecommunication and
        Moreover, the 389 school personnel with no connection      enhanced online learning strategies (use of varied appli-
        at all will have to cope and adjust with whatever work     cation) may be developed or initiated as well.
        arrangements required from them to be able to be-

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                   Page 8
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