Page 9 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 9

II.                     BACKGROUND

                                             & Rationale

        To analyze the gap and to assess the need, a research      Another initiative conducted this May 2020 was the
        was conducted last April 2020 with the leadership of the   conceptualization of the Schools’ Readiness form which
        Schools Division Superintendent, Benilda M. Daytaca,       aims to determine the capacity, capability and connec-
        Ed.D. to aid in scanning the internal and external situ-   tivity of schools and school personnel in delivering varied
        ation of the schools division. This research has identi-   learning deliveries, and specific preferences of expected
        fied the preference of the different stakeholders of the   enrollees based from their available resources. Both
        Schools Division of Benguet on the mode of delivering      efforts shed light on the willingness of school stakehold-
        teaching and learning during these unusual times.          ers to provide necessary equipment for the alternative
                                                                   learning delivery modes of teaching and learning and will
                                                                   be significant in supporting the learning continuity plan
                                                                   for the Division of Benguet amidst this pandemic.

        Research Results viv-a-vis School’s Readiness Report

        As the research study centers only in the Schools Divi-    the Schools Division of Benguet which involve learners,
        sion of Benguet, respondents of the study only involved    parents, teachers, school heads, and department heads
        school stakeholders from the 14 districts of the Division   foresee Blended learning as the most plausible teach-
        namely Atok, Bakun, Bokod, Buguias, Itogon 1, Itogon 2,    ing and learning delivery mode at this time. That is, the
        Kabayan, Kapangan, Kibungan, La Trinidad, Mankayan,        stakeholders prefer a combination of home schooling
        Sablan, Tuba, and Tublay. With reference to the word       and home study. The respondents preferred teaching
        “school stakeholders”, the study limited its definition of   and learning that exists as a product of collaboration
        the word to the following primary school stakeholders      between parents and the school institution as in blend-
        only: parents, learners, teachers, department heads, and   ed learning although teachers facilitate the teaching
        school heads.                                              and the school has the provision of modules. Parents, at
                                                                   times, may now become teachers and may even have the
        In the research conducted, it is apparent from the sta-    opportunity to choose materials for learning and to set
        tistical results that Blended learning, accounting for     the schedule of learning assessment.
        1,873 (40%) responses favoring the aforementioned
        teaching and delivery mode, was the most preferred.        The research results supported the Schools’ Readiness
        Not far behind was Home study with 1,452 (30%) re-         form data entry of all the fourteen districts. Data gath-
        sponses followed by Home schooling accounting for 571      ered identified that majority of the parents preferred
        responses (16%), then Face to face with only 571 (12%)     blended learning. Out of the targeted 77,434 expected SY
        responses. Simply saying, primary school stakeholders in   2020-2021 regular class enrollees in the Schools Division

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                   Page 3
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