Page 7 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 7
“Contextualized LCOP”
It was January 30 of this year when the World Health heads and teachers continuously monitored such initia-
Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergen- tives through online and offline means.
cy of International Concern in relation to COVID-19. On
March 20, the WHO Director General released an official With no end in sight to this pandemic while the opening
statement characterizing COVID-19 as a pandemic. As of the new School Year 2020-2021 looms, the Depart-
COVID-19 became a global health crisis, each country ment of Education recently unveiled the Philippine Basic
has implemented preventive measures in response to Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) as blue-
the rapid increase of COVID-19 infected individuals. On print to sustain delivery of quality, accessible, relevant
March 16, 2020, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and liberating basic education services for all school-age
declared the entire Luzon area under “Enhanced Com- population in the midst of the COVID-19 emergency.
munity Quarantine” (ECQ). As a result, restrictions on the
movement of the population, though with exceptions, As a product of collaborative endeavor with partner
have been implemented. With that, classes in all levels institutions and organizations, the BE-LCP includes key
for both the public and private schools, have been includ- features on K-12 curriculum adjustments, alignment of
ed to be suspended (Luna, 2020). learning materials, various modalities of learning deliv-
ery, corresponding teacher and parent/guardian training,
The Philippine’s Department of Education responded among others. No less than DepEd Secretary Leonor
to this challenge as soon as the ECQ was declared by Magtolis Briones, who recently acknowledged the in-
issuing DepEd Memorandum no. 042, s. 2020 that en- sights of the members of the Senate for fine tuning the
couraged teachers with available resources and access BE-LCP, emphasized that DepEd takes into consideration
to the internet to explore the Online Alternative Learning the health and safety of learners, teachers, parents and
Delivery Platforms identified by the DepEd Information the community in making adjustments in the provision
and Communication and Technology Service (ICTS) that of basic education services under today’s ‘new normal’
may be used for delivering distance learning during situation.
periods of class suspensions and similar circumstances as
the current situation dictates such as the popular Dep- Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction Diosdado
Ed Commons. The Schools Division Office of Benguet on M. San Antonio underscored the following principles in
March 16, 2020 also recommended the engagement of the formulation of the BE-LCP:
every learner in reading to contain them at home under
the so-called “From Classroom to Class home” scheme 1. Protect the health, safety and well-being of learn-
while the whole province was placed under ECQ. The ers, teachers and personnel, and prevent the further
Curriculum Implementation Division personnel, school transmission of COVID-19;