Page 8 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 8
for a pro-active, results-oriented, intelligent, network
2. Ensure learning continuity through K-12 curricu- building, credible and empowering leadership from the
lum adjustments, alignment of learning materials, national, regional, division and school level.
implementation of multiple learning modalities, and
providing corresponding teacher and parent/guard- While the BE-LCP recommends various learning delivery
ian training; modalities, regions, divisions and schools are advised
to contextualize learning strategies and learning deliv-
3. Facilitate the safe return of teaching and ery modalities deemed appropriate in their context and
non-teaching personnel and learners in schools based consistent with the COVID-19 guidelines and regulations.
on scenarios projected by the Department of Health The resource requirement for the various learning mo-
(DOH) and the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF), com- dalities now became a major challenge which entails the
plemented by other credible sources, and balanced support of all partner institutions and organizations from
by DepEd’s own risk assessments; the national to the local levels.
4. Be sensitive to equity considerations and concerns, Aligned with this overall BE-LCP, the Schools Division
and endeavor to address them as possible; and, of Benguet has formulated its contextualized Learning
Continuity Operational Plan (LCOP) for the school year
5. Link and bridge the BE-LCP to DepEd’s pivot to 2020-2021 based on data and feedback from the field
quality and into the future of education, under the as a result of the participation of internal stakeholders
framework of Sulong Edukalidad and future thinking in surveys and other data gathering mechanisms since
in education. the start of the ECQ period. As a contextualized plan but
aligned to DepEd’s Sulong Edukalidad, this LCOP also
According to the Undersecretary, the BE-LCP is not a embraces the SDO Benguet banner program IYAMAN
stand-alone plan because it is anchored on Sulong Edu- or Integrity Yields Accomplishments, Modified Advance-
kalidad or DepEd’s pivot to quality. With the COVID-19 ment and Nurtures excellence and inspired by the cul-
crisis, DepEd acknowledges strains of inequities to the ture of cooperation and community collaboration called
education system, particularly in access to technology. Binnadang in the local language. Like in the national
As such, DepEd will focus on enduring literacies and level, however, this division level LCOP takes primordial
skills in the different learning modalities, technologies, consideration to the health and safety of learners, teach-
strategies, resources, assessment and in teacher/school ers and personnel, parents and the community while
leader capacity building. More than this is the need conforming to COVID-19 regulations and guidelines.