Page 13 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 13
As technology becomes more pervasive in education, “Homeschooling is applicable for families
stakeholders (teachers, students, parents, administrators with gadgets and internet access”
and employers) need to effectively and consistently uti-
lize it as part of instruction and in some cases integrate it “Homeschooling is applicable only for families
fully into their teaching and learning. But this one is also with knowledgeable parents to manipulate
the greatest concern of the stakeholders as seen in the gadgets and with internet access.”
following statements by the respondents of the research
conducted on their concerns on the applicability of the From the statement of the stakeholders, a major prob-
alternative delivery modes: lem they perceive in homeschooling and blended learn-
ing is on internet connection. As presented, weak to no
“Accessibility and availability of internet connection signal is a concern. The stakeholders assent to the fact
(from weak to none)” that some schools are in remote areas with weak to no
cellphone signal, what more with internet access. Also,
“Location of schools and residential are in remote areas there are parents that might not have cell phones or gad-
causing weak to no internet gets to access the needed materials for learning.
and even cell phone signal
is weak to none” The research data gathered supports the connectivity
identified by school personnel in their own areas where
“Online activities are not always effective not everyone is privileged to have all the needed resourc-
especially in areas with weak es available in their area in terms of telecommunication
signals.” connectivity. Table 2 shows the home connectivity signal
status of SDO Benguet school personnel.
“Weak signal, online teaching not possible - not all parents
have cell phones"
Table 2. Number of Teaching Personnel with their WIFI/ internet and Mobile Home Connectivity Signal Status
Home Connectivity Signal Status Number of School Personnel Percent
All the time 845 19.93%
Day time only 435 10.64%
Night time only 1075 26.29%
None 664 16.24%
Intermittent 1100 26.90%
TOTAL 4,089 100%
The status of home connectivity of teachers affects their They may experience late submission, delayed receiving
capacity in assuring a high quality telecommunication of information / requirement, and unable to implement
delivery to learners in the teaching and learning process. duties and responsibilities due to connectivity problems.
Such capacity may also affect the performance of teach-
es during work from home.