Page 15 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 15
Table 4. Mode of Telecommunication Provided by School Personnel
TELECOMMUNICATION Kapangan La Trinidad Mankayan
Atok Bakun Buguias Bokod Itogon I Itogon II Kabayan Kibungan Sablan Tuba Tublay TOTAL
Texting 14 4 31 24 0 11 8 6 14 0 0 1 22 0 135
Texting/Calling 5 37 50 15 23 15 13 29 18 19 26 4 50 28 332
Texting/Calling/Messenger 38 102 251 44 81 56 103 102 46 129 149 35 141 112 1389
Texting/Calling/E-mail 11 3 43 0 1 0 9 0 0 1 17 0 0 1 86
Texting/Calling/E-mail/ 98 31 77 96 85 70 45 77 74 212 179 46 84 47 1221
Video Conferencing 16 28 16 36 62 44 30 25 44 289 67 23 59 58 797
N/A 9 0 1 0 42 14 4 19 1 42 46 8 31 8 225
The number of school personnel who can telecommu- internal and external stakeholders of SDO Benguet, the
nicate through video conferencing is only 19% of the following table summarizes the research result on the
total school personnel population indicated in the table stakeholders’ level of willingness per district to provide
above. Maybe there is a need for these identified per- necessary equipment for the alternative delivery modes
sonnel to render technical assistance to others, because, of teaching and learning. As frequency count has been
even if the connectivity of the teacher is globe or smart used to analyze the gathered data, number of responses
or mobile data, they can still enhance their ICT skills and for each level of willingness have been indicated in each
instead of making use of the same strategy again and district. In general, only few school stakeholders were
again, they may consider other applications that are user not willing to provide any of the necessary materials and
and load friendly in delivering lessons. equipment needed accounting for only 4% (193) of the
total population of the respondents.
With the goal of ensuring 100% support from both
B. Capability
Table 5 shows the number of respondents per stake- Results also show that a vast majority of the internal
holders as to their willingness to provide materials and stakeholders are willing to provide some but not all
equipment for the alternative delivery modes. For both the necessary materials and equipment needed for the
internal and external stakeholders, most of them would alternative delivery modes. Only a few were not willing
be willing to provide some but not all necessary materials to provide any of the necessary materials and equipment
and equipment with this option having the highest num- needed.
ber of agreements from the respondents.