Page 6 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 6

Management.                                                       ties;
                                                                          2.c. Capacitate school officials, teachers and
        To guide the interfacing of the different sections and            parents about the design and execution of various
        units together with that of the schools and districts,            none face-to-face (NF2F) learning delivery op-
        specific activities or projects were identified for each of       tions;
        the following objectives which fall under the above-men-          2.d. Orient learners and parents about the ap-
        tioned four pillars:                                              proaches in accessing and communicating with
                                                                          the teachers; and
            1.  Expand coverage of inclusion programs adjusted            2.e. Promote the health, safety, and well-being
            to fit enhanced standards set by  the new normal              of learners, teachers and personnel against the
            in education, such that access to K to 12 education           threats and further transmission of COVID-19.
            is met, and provision of non-classroom facilities in
            remote and isolated schools are provided, and even         3.  Involve automation of course system and pro-
            more improve its partnership and linkages to internal      cesses needed and implemented through the Infor-
            and external stakeholders.                                 mation and Communications Technology to meet the
               1.a. Map learning contexts and types of learners;       standards set forth by the new normal in the teaching
               and                                                     and learning delivery in education. It also covers the
               1.b. Ensure safe and conducive learning environ-        initiative and continuous improvement on procure-
               ment.                                                   ment process, acceleration of research development,
                                                                       improving DepEd independence from interference
            2.  Improve the quality and relevance of education in      and improving the Human Resource and Develop-
            all the districts and schools it covers through the con-   ment.
            tinuous and full implementation of the K to 12 cur-           3.a. Utilize ICT systems and other available me-
            riculum with integration of standards set by the new          dia.
            normal in education, improve the quality of teachers,
            expand the use of technology in learning, and enrich   Also incorporated in this LCOP is the monitoring and
            curricula to address cross cutting issues and foster   evaluation plan which provides for a quarterly review of
            critical thinking towards relevant and   liberating    PAPs. Results of quarterly reviews would be the bases
            basic education, guided by the framework of Sulong     for evaluation and adjustments while ensuring account-
            Edukalidad and Future Thinking in Education.           ability and transparency among program owners and
               2.a. Ensure that learners are prepared to acquire   implementers. Such mechanism in plan implementation
               the skills necessary for success in the next grade;  augurs well with SDO Benguet’s thrust of ensuring that
               2.b. Align available learning materials to curric-  its integrity yields accomplishments, modifies advance-
               ulum standards adjustments and develop con-         ment and nurtures (IYAMAN) excellence in service.
               textualized and appropriate learning materials
               aligned to the multiple learning delivery modali-

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                    Page v
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