Page 38 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 38

2. Cultivate  2.1. Monitor and   Submit doc-  2.1. Schools  Aug 2020 –  Human resources:
                                      the culture  provide TA to   umentations   monitored   April 2021  SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                      of  innova- schools on inno-  of innovative   and provided   Chief and staff, and
                                      tion       vations aligned to  practices   with TA on
                                                 IYAMAN.        on learning   innovations          Materials:
                                                                materials    aligned to
                                                                development   IYAMAN were          Internet, ICT equip-
                                                                                                   ment/ gadgets
                                                                and learning   monitored
                                                                delivery mo-
          Curriculum                  3. Inten-  3.1. Monitor and   Assess readi-  3.1. All schools  Apr to June   Human resources: SDS,
          and Instruc-                sive super- provide technical   ness of school   have submitted  2020  ASDS, CID-Chief, Learning
                                                                                                   Area EPSs, PSDSs, LR
          tion Man-                   vi-sion and  assistance to schools  on capacity and   their assess-  Staff, ITO, School Heads
          agement                     provision   on the readiness to   capability  ment on their   and teachers
                                      of TA      implement the curricu-      capacity and          Materials:
                                                 lum in the new normal       capability to
                                                 set up.                     deliver teach-        Internet, ICT equipment/
                                                                             ing- learning in      gadgets
                                                                             the new normal
                                                                             set up
                                                 3.2. Provide TA  Analyze the   3.2 All schools   May to June   Human resources: SDS,
                                                 to schools based  data gath-  were provided   2020  ASDS, CID-Chief, Learning
                                                                                                   Area EPSs, PSDSs, ITO,
                                                 on the results of  ered     with TA through:      School Heads and teachers
                                                 the online sur-
                                                 vey.                        1.) face-to-face      Materials: Internet, ICT
                                                                                                   equipment/ gadgets
                                                                             2.) group chat
                                                                             3.) text/call
                                                                             4.) teleconfer-
                                                 3.3. Provide   Participate   3.3 All    May to    Human resources:
                                                 TA to schools   in webinars   schools   Aug 2020  SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                                                                   Chief, Learning Area
                                                 on the differ-  or telecon-  provided             EPSs, PSDSs, LR
                                                 ent modality of   fe-rences   with TA             Staff, ITO, School
                                                 learning.      about learn-                       Heads and teachers
                                                                ing modali-                        Materials: Internet,
                                                                ties                               ICT equipment/
                                                 3.4. Provide TA   Prepare   3.4 Ap-     June 2020   Human resources:
                                                 in the prepa-  learning     propriate   – April   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                                                                   Chief, Learning Area
                                                 ration of class-  plans of   learning   2021      EPSs, PSDSs, LR
                                                 room programs/  teachers    modalities            Staff, ITO, School
                                                 learning pro-  using the    implement-            Heads and teachers
                                                 grams appro-   different    ed in the             Materials: Internet,
                                                 priate for each   modalities  schools.            ICT equipment/
                                                 modality.                                         gadgets
                                                 3.5. Involve   Ensure that  3.5 All ICT   Aug 2020   Human resources:
                                                 trained teachers  all teachers   capacitat-  – April   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                                                                   Chief, Learning Area
                                                 in school activi-  in the school  ed/trained   2021  EPSs, PSDSs, LR
                                                 ties to capacitate  participated  teachers        Staff, ITO, School
                                                 other teachers   in the webi-  shared             Heads and teachers
                                                 on the utiliza-  nars       knowledge             Materials: Internet,
                                                 tion of distance            and served            ICT equipment/
                                                 learning.                   as resource           gadgets
                                                                             speakers to
                                                                             on the
                                                                             utilization of

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