Page 55 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 55
VII. Monitoring
KRA 1. Strategic Management and Operations
Monthly Monitoring of Expected Results
2020 2021
March April May June July August September October November December January February March April
1. Leads in the 1.1 Conduct write shop activities to all 1.1. 100% of the master teacher par-
conduct of re- master teachers in SDO Benguet and ticipants in the 14 districts submitted
search aligned to to include all other school who are in- research proposals which were approved
research agenda terested in conducting research stud- and ready for implementation
ies through webinars, face to face, and
other applicable and most convenient 5% 10% 15% 20% 20% 20% 10%
mode of telecommunication in order
to address and understand issues
and other related challenges brought
about by the new normal
1.2. Provide technical assistance to 1.2. 10 or more research proposals
SDO personnel on research submitted and approved and being 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
1.3. Disseminate research results by 1.3. 3 SDO Benguet Research O’clock
adopting and localizing DEPED CO conducted 1 1 1
Research O’clock with the provision of
printed materials / digital copies
2.1 . Enhance IEC campaign re 2.1.a. Print materials containing the fol-
COVID-19 in collaboration with the lowing: -importance of handwashing
2. Manages and schools and districts: -meaning of social distancing
implements health a. minimum health standards like -basic necessities available in the school
programs and nutri- increasing physical and mental resil- and disinfection before operation
tion services ience 2.1.b. All districts/ schools provided
b. reducing transmission by reducing with IEC
c. reducing the life span of the virus
d. leading healthy schools in the new
normal communities
2.2 Monitor, evaluate, and validate 2.2. WASH facility of all schools moni-
WASH facility with 0-star and 3-star tored
rating (Online monitoring) amidst ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
COVID-19 pandemic to be able to 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
augment advocacy for additional
WASH in Schools
2.3. Initiate Stress resiliency trainings 2.3. 2-3 resiliency trainings / PFA
and psychological first aid (PFA) to conducted 1 1 1
crises-stricken school/office
2.4. Provide Medical, Dental and 2.4.a. Daily teleconsultation / telemedi-
Nursing teleconsultation and services cine provided ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
through telemedicine. 2.4.b. All walk-in client consulted