Page 60 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 60
3.1 Conduct training – work- 3.1 90%-100% teachers capacitat-
3. Implemented
the 2020 HRMD shops for teachers on LR devel- ed on the use of various modalities
Plan opment and various modalities of of learning and teaching delivery.
Designing Multimedia Instruc-
tional Materials (creating videos,
digital stories)
Blended Learning/ Flipped
c. Online learning platforms/
virtual classroom (Edmodo, Moo- 70% 30%
dle, Nearpod, Google Classroom,
Blackboard, FB)
Online and offline digital tools/
apps (downloading from landing
portal or from other sources,
utilization of LRs, others)
ADM Modules
Development of class learning
3.2. Conduct webinar-workshop 3.2 All MELC-based Learning
on digitization of learning mod- modules and assessment tools
ules and assessment tools using that can be converted to digital 15% 15% 15% 15% 20% 20%
OER and productivity tools format.
3.3. Upskill school heads, super- 3.3 90% - 100% of expected partic-
visors and other related-teaching ipants were upskilled
personnel on the new normal
modalities of teaching-learning, 20% 20% 20% 15% 15% 10%
instructional leadership and oth-
er 21 century skills
3.4. Monitor personnel enrolled 3.4 Inventory of teachers who have
in MOOCs and other online completed online courses/ MOOCs
courses (especially those that and were given certificate of recog- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
address employees’ competency nition.
3.5. Identify Potential Partners, 3.5 Memorandum of Agreement
such as Universities and other signed and implemented.
learning centers, that are open
to offering On-site and/or on- 1 1 1
line Crash Courses especially to
teachers in the far-flung areas.
3.6. Conduct webinars on the 3.6. Online training/ webinars
following content to ensure pre- conducted on mental health and
paredness/ readiness and resil- other related topics.
iency to the new normal:
a. mental health
b. Health and safety precautions
to prevent the further transmis-
sion of COVID-19.
c. Psychological First Aid during 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
this pandemic
d. Financial Literacy
e. data-privacy and data literacy
f. Child protection and cyber
bullying, and cyber safety
g. home schooling, home study,
distance learning, blended learn-
3.7. Capacitate School Heads, 3.7. Documented creative/best
ICT Coordinators, potential practices and innovations of
teachers on documentation of Schools 1 1 1 1 1
innovations, creative and best
3.8. Conduct webinar/orienta- 3.8. All school Heads were orient-
tion to School Heads (Disbursing ed and properly guided
Officers) on the updates on the 100%
utilization of School MOOE