Page 3 - The Journey Issue 1
P. 3
BY M.L. ANDRES when you become satisfied in your worship,
you're saying your worship--your relationship
One of the worst places you could end up is with God has reached its peak and even
in "satisfied" Worship". It's the place you find though things in your world are changing in
yourself when you've never been anywhere value (priority), the value of your worship is
in your worship that makes you long for being lost. How long before you become
more. There is something about reaching the bored and need to seek some worldly
Secret Place of the Most High God--the pleasures to compensate for the loss of
place where Abba hangs out. It is in that Kingdom Satisfaction?
place where you learn to never be satisfied When your worship is everything to you,
and you are always hungry for more of the you'll hear yourself say, "My heart and my
presence of God. Your Worship should flesh cry out for the Living God!"
always leave you hungry for more. Always! If
Worship represents the value you've PAGE 3
assigned to your relationship with God,