Page 4 - The Journey Issue 1
P. 4



BY PASTOR MIKE                                   C O N T"ITNHUEO US PS I RR IETNOE FWGA OB LDEI SS OAU R C E
                                                  FROMLIWFEHOICFHTGHOEDBEFLLIOEWVESRI.N" THE
You might be asking what is "Kingdom Flow?
In John 7:38, Jesus said, out of your belly       The Kingdom Flow is a life lived for the Kingdom. It is
shall flow rivers of living water. These         submission to the King and His decrees. I become His
streams are a result of the your thirst for the  subject. My will has become lost in His will. I flow as the
things of God. Drinking from the Word of God      Spirit of God flows. I flow in prayer. I flow in Worship. I
and the presence of God create a river that      flow in life. I flow prophetically. I flow as the Spirit of God
provides spiritual resources not only for you,
but for those around you. The river                          moves. That's the Kingdom Flow.
represents life--the living Spirit of God           Go Ahead--don't be afraid. Jump in the flow!
dwelling on the inside. Out of your belly flows
the life of God. What makes this so exciting
is it says rivers. Wow! Rivers! David said, we
will be planted by the rivers of water. The
result is spiritual produce, strength, and the
God-breathed life and it happens in the right
season at the right time.
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