Page 6 - The Gospel of John 1:1-5
P. 6

b. To make his story more exciting

               c. To show that true believers will always experience miracles if they have
               enough faith

               d. To get people to read his gospel more than the other gospels

               What does John call Jesus in the first chapter of his gospel?

               a. A brilliant thinker

               b. The Word of God in the flesh

               c. A great teacher

               d. A great spiritual leader

               How did many of the Jewish people respond to Jesus? How does Jesus

               want you to respond to Him? What step of faith can you take right now to
               move toward Jesus and demonstrate trust in Him?



                       1 In the beginning (that by which anything begins to be | cause) was

                       the Word, and the Word was with (near | face to face | These words
                       express  the  co-existence,  but  at  the  same  time  the  distinction  of

                       person. They imply relation with intercourse with. That is to say, “in
                       the bosom of the Father”.  John 1:18, and “Let us make man” of

                       Genesis 1:26.) “Throned face to face with God) God, and the Word
                       was (equal in meaning) God.

               John 1:1 carries us into the depths of eternity, before time or creatures

               were.  Genesis  and  John  both  start  from  ‘the  beginning,’  but,  while
               Genesis works downwards from that point and tells what followed, John
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