Page 7 - The Gospel of John 1:1-5
P. 7
Time and creatures came into being, and, when they began, the Word
‘was.’ John makes it clear that the Word is not just the beginning, but the
beginning of the beginning. He was there in the beginning, before
anything was. The Word. What is it about the Word that that is so
important? Jewish rabbis often referred to God, especially in His more
personal aspects, in terms of His word. They spoke of God Himself as
"the word of God. " For example, ancient Hebrew editions of the Old
Testament change Exodus 19:17 (Moses brought the people out of the
camp to meet God) to "Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet
the word of God. " In the mind of the ancient Jews, the phrase "the word
of God" could be used to refer to God Himself. To Christian theologians
it a derivative divine power, coordinated with the Father. The Greeks used
the word as the organizing principle of change. In the context of Ancient
Greek philosophy, logos was a divine principle which transcended the
world of mortals. a life-giving force hidden within things, a power
working from above on the sensible world. John says to both Jews and
Greeks: "For centuries you've been talking, thinking, and writing about
the Word (the logos). Now I will tell you who He is. The Word is “With”
God and the Word “was” God. The Word of God is where it all begins
and the fact that the Word was there in the beginning—it was the point of
origin. co-existence, but at the same time the distinction of person. Do you
believe What John is saying? How would you express verses 1-3 to
someone asking what they mean?
Cross-Reference Verse 1
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
John 17:5 And now, Father, glorify Me in Your presence with the glory
I had with You before the world existed.
Revelation 19:13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His
name is The Word of God.