Page 2 - The journey Issue 1_April
P. 2


Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 (GW)
4 When you make a promise to God, don’t be
slow to keep it because God doesn’t like fools.
Keep your promise. 5 It is better not to make a
promise than to make one and not keep it.



Have you ever made a promise and unintentionally you broke it, because you
were unable to fulfill it? In another instance, you tried not to break the promise to
your child, or your spouse that you'd attend their last performance since you
missed all the others and another meeting at work ran longer than usual and yet
another broken promise. What about the most important promise of all? God if you
get me out of this, I'll serve you. Forever. God if you give me a job, I'll give my
Tithe & Offering and go to church regularly. Lord, if you'll only give me a Husband
or Wife, I'll Love, honor & Respect the vows I've made and we don't. However, in
the end, you let everything and anyone become a distraction.When GOD makes
us a Promise, HE Keeps ALL of HIS Promises. Now it's your turn to keep yours.
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