Page 229 - isa-sboajc
P. 229
#Teacher’s Feedback On
“Tale Of Herb”
“Tale of a Herb” activity was done in groups,
each team with a leader and 5 teammates.
Each group took up one of these herbs Mint,
Fenugreek, Ginger, Coriander, Aloe Vera, Curry
leaf, Pepper, Betel leaf, Neem and Garlic, Parsley,
Ginseng, Kangaroo Apple.
Each student used different creative methods to
narrate about the tale of the herb of their
choices. Some students depicted the structure of
plant, their origin and used colourful charts. Few
students had brought the real plant specimens
for effective presentation.
Teachers evaluated the activity based on the
following criteria - content, presentation,
pronunciation and accuracy of their
The activity showed that students had done in
depth research, and exhibited excellent narrative
Mrs. D. Bhavani
skills and creativity. Their narration in first
Dept. Of Science
person brought teachers and students closer to
nature’s bounty.