Page 119 - 李增宗-緣李增宗彩畫人生
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17. The situation of rice supply and consumption to the rice field diversion between Sino-Japanese.

                      (Dec.1, 1984 Agr. Weekly, COA, 1 st)
                  18. The rice production & rice field diversion measures in 1986 (1986. COA)
                  19. The analysis of the effects in different areas in Taiwan. (1986 COA)
                  20. An evaluation & discussion to improve the idled paddies. (1986 COA)

                  21. The important improved measures for the rice production & rice field diversion. (1986 COA)
                  22. To promote the suitable crops for the right areas to achieve the rice field diversion plan. (1986 COA)
                  23. The situation of rice supply & consumption to the rice field diversion (1987. COA, 2nd)
                  24. A report of studying rice milling and processing techniques in Japan (October, 1987 Food Burean)

                  25. A group crops for the rice field diversion for the different areas. (Mar. 16, 1987, Harvest monthly)
                  26. An execution plan of rice production and rice field diversion in 1988 (Oct.16, 1987 Harvest monthly)
                  27. The technology used in agriculture to flourish the economy of rural area (June, 1988. The new
                      direction for the rural construction)

                  28. To keep going to execute the guaranty rice purchasing for farmers (June, 1988 The new direction for
                      the rural construction)
                  29. The importants of rice to balance the nutritions and the resources utilization. (June, 1988. Special
                      report COA)

                  30. To adjust the production of crops structures for the rice field diversion. (June, 1988. Special report)
                  31. The problems and the action measures of rice supply and consumption adjustment in Japan. (1989,
                      special report)
                  32. Food policy in Taiwan (Nov. 1989 special report COA)

                  33. The problems and action measures for the rice production in Taiwan. (1991, special report COA)

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