Page 121 - 李增宗-緣李增宗彩畫人生
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34. A discussion on the problems of rice production in Taiwan. (1991 special report COA)

                  35. The situation of rice supply & consumption to the rice field diversion between Sino-Japanese (1990
                      special report COA 3rd)
                  36. A report for the grading test, guality control and market promotion for the quality rice (1991 Training
                      report, Food Burean)

                  37. Rice production and rice field diversion in Taiwan. (A speech at Agri-Industry University in Thailand
                  38. A report of investigation tripped to Thailand for the rice exporting operation in Thailand. (Aug. 1992,

                  39. The opinion of the existence & abolished for the Food management system in Japan. (1992, Special
                      report COA)
                  40. The impacts and action measures for the rice business after joining the GATT. (1992 special report,

                  41. The problems & action measures for the rice production in Taiwan. (1992 special report COA)
                  42. A report of the rice production and export operation in Thailand. (Aug. 1990 COA)
                  43. Drought, idled, and food stock on line (Mar.16, 1996, Havest meonthly)
                  44. To adjust the direction for rice production and the public efficiency of paddy (May 1, 1996, harvest

                  45. A discussion on the food security system. (Aug, 1996 COA)
                  46. A discussion on the frame work of Taiwan food security (Oct. 14, 1996 a speech on the International
                      meeting at COA)

                  47. A new project to promote the paddy & upland utilization will be taken since 1998. (Nov,14, 1996
                  48. The program of the paddy and upland utilization adjustment (Nov, 14, 1996 COA)
                  49. A visiting records of the pan-century agricultune construction for flourishing the rural area (Feb,1.

                      1997 COA)
                  50. The recognization of the important & problems in food.
                  51. The production & consumpetion of the provisions in Taiwan. (1997 special Report, COA)

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