Page 5 - 侯壽峰-世界瑰寶美術館首展專輯
P. 5

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                             Foreword by Chief of Cultural Affairs Bureau

                             Persistence is a lovely and respectable trait. With an interest in art, Hou, Shou-Feng has engaged in the painting and culture-related work for
                           more than sixty years and dedicated his life to painting. Furthermore, he has stubbornly kept a slow and steady pace in heading toward the belief
                           of establishing a  ne arts museum for decades. This unshakable persistence is admirable!
                             Now his museum is going to be open in our Taichung City, not far away from Dadun Cultural Center. As excited as having a new ally, I congratulate
                           on the realization of his dream from the bottom of my heart. I feel both grati ed that I have a new strong teammate to promote culture and art
                           together and happy that the public have a new space to appreciate culture and art.

                             Hou, Shou-Feng, a senior artist in the art world, was born in a farm village of Chiayi. When he was young, he started his art life by coloring
                           theater backdrops, learning from Mr. Huang, Liang-Hsiung, the scenic artists from Fuzhou. With interest, talent, diligent learning, and superb skills
                           sharpened by years of experience, he has accumulated the painting works of  lms and theater backdrops in the past more than 20 years. Besides
                           the outstanding achievements in art, he is the traditional art preserver of theater backdrops registered by our city.
                             After re ning the painting skills through theater backdrop painting, Hou further engages in pure art creation and explores a wide variety of art
                           forms including oil painting, watercolor, Eastern Gouache, ceramic painting, and design. He has won numerous awards and the honor of  “permanent
                           exemption from censorship” and “invited writer” of Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition for his watercolor and Eastern Gouache. Well-recognized by the
                           art world, he also served as the review committee member of national art exhibitions, the preparation committee member of Taiwan Museum of
                           Art, and the advisory committee member of restructuring Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition of Council for Cultural A airs.

                             The album published at the opening of the museum includes many of his creative works and the exhibits of the museum. Hou’s works not only
                           feature the local characteristics of Taiwan but also present the cultural heritage and natural landscapes on the  ve continents worldwide, showing
                           the unique artistic style. Besides di erent cultural contents, it is amazing that each content deeply conveys the mission of promoting local culture
                           and entertainment through education.
                             In the past more than sixty years, Hou, Shou-Feng’s love for art creation has never diminished. He further realizes the dream to establish a  ne
                           arts museum, which is an admirable milestone. His persistence in career and life is worth everyone’s respect. It is hoped that you can deeply read
                           the belief in his paintings when appreciating this album or the works at the museum. Finally, I’d like to give my best wishes to the successful and

                           long-lasting operation of the museum!

                                                                                Director-General of Cultural Affairs Bureau,  Chen, Chia-Chun
                                                                                           Taichung City Government

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