Page 7 - 侯壽峰-世界瑰寶美術館首展專輯
P. 7
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Mr. Hou Shou-feng is a senior artist born on the land of Taiwan II. International Awards:
and dedicating his life to art creation. When he was young, his family 1. His four watercolor works were selected by ART CAPITAL and
was poor and couldn’t afford his schooling. After graduating from exhibited at Grand Palais.
elementary school, he entered the art world as an apprentice. He has 2. His three watercolor works won the awards in the international art
worked hard for more than sixty years, not only winning numerous exhibitions in Japan and were exhibited in Japan.
awards in art competitions but also establishing a high status in the 3. His two watercolor works were selected by the 69th and 70th
society, which is admirable. competition of Japan Watercolor Society and exhibited in Japan.
In particular, he has completed nearly two thousand works over One of his oil paintings was selected by “International Figure
the past more than forty years. At the same time, he plans to build a Painting Competition” hosted in Prague and exhibited in New York.
personal ne arts museum for the long-term exhibition of his personal III. He was employed as the columnist of three columns of “Art
works to achieve the goal of continuously contributing to the society, Appreciation” in Taiwan Monthly and Taiwan Pictorial issued by
beautifying life, and combining education with entertainment. After the Information Department of Provincial Government. The more
twenty years of hard work, he has fulfilled his wish. His personal than hundred articles written in eight years, funded by The General
museum is going to open on January 1, 2024 ! This fruitful result has Association of Chinese Culture Taiwan Branch, were compiled and
proved that “nothing in the world is di cult for one who sets his mind printed into Contemporary Famous Artists Art Appreciation and
on it.” The story of his hard work and achievement is a good model for distributed to the cultural and educational institutions across the
younger generations! country.
Mr. Hou is a versatile artist. His excels in the art creations of IV. To enhance the development of social art education and
oil painting, watercolor, gouache, acrylic, and art design and wins improve cultural quality, he founded three art groups, including
numerous awards in international competitions. The winning works Taichung City Design Association, National Provincial Fine Arts
are also exhibited in the countries of the competitions. He has won Exhibition Permanent Exemption from Censorship Association, and
more than forty awards in the past more than fifty years since his Shou Feng Art Development Association, holding countless joint
first participation in the second year after he joined the army. The exhibitions and lectures and publishing many volumes distributed
signi cant awards are as listed as follows: to the domestic and foreign cultural institutions. He has made great
contributions to art in Taiwan.
I. Domestic Awards:
As a junior artist, I’m glad that Mr. Hou establishes “Hou Shou-Feng
1. His watercolor works won the top three awards of Provincial Fine
Museum” through the accumulated experiences of his splendid works
Arts Awards for three consecutive times and therefore passed the
mentioned in the above four categories. The long-term exhibition of
quali cation of “permanent exemption from censorship.”
the nearly two thousand works completed in his life will ful ll the wish
2. His gouache works won the top three awards of Provincial Fine Arts
of eternal contribution to the society. I’d like to give my best wishes for
Awards for three times and the great honor of “invited artist.”
the ful lment of his dream and the success of the opening exhibition.
3. His works of cultural poster design won the rst award in the rst
On behalf of all the art lovers who care about the development of art,
Provincial Design Competition.
I also express our highest respect to Mr. Hou.
4. For the stage design and backdrop painting, he has been registered
as “a theater backdrop preserver” by Taichung City Government.
Legislator Huang Kuo-shu
October, 2023