Page 73 - 2023不累不飾-任容清七十書法紀念展
P. 73

1997  43๋   ΂࢙૶dႣ᜗݆ࢀ཰‘d(ၽ̹̏dጷࠬੀd86ϋ4˜)f
                                                         Published two books, "Ode to Spring and Summer in Chu-style Script (Chu Ti Chun Xia
                                                         Song)" and "Poetries of Autumn and Winter in Chu-style Script (Chu Ti Qiu Dong Yin)."
                                                         Also had a solo exhibition titled " Ren Rung-Ching's Calligraphy Exhibition" at the Tainan
                                                         County Cultural Center. Retired from the public service and received the Distinguished
                                                         Service Silver Tray. Also appointed as a calligraphy judge for the Taiwan Rehabilitation
                                                         Association's Taichung Branch and Taichung Prison.
                                             1998  44๋   Ꮠ໌ዄ΂ၽʕ̹ɽᄧ˖ʷʕːᖵ˖޼୦ݺਗࣣجબሙ઺ࢪ87.8(߇֙
                                                         फ)- 110.4(݆֙फ)f
                                                         Hired as a calligraphy teacher for the Dadun Cultural Center's art and culture workshops
                                                         in Taichung. Published several books on calligraphy such as "Poems of Diligence in
                                                         Clerical Script (Li Shu Qin Xue Shi)," "Sentiments of Four Seasons in Chu-style Script (Chu
            Ъۜᐏ፯ၽᝄ޲ͭߕஔ᎜(ତ਷ͭၽᝄߕஔ᎜)                        Ti Si Shi Qing)," "Northern Wei Dynasty Sculpture Record Volume 18," and "Eastern Han
            ৔Їߕ਷Ъމ˖ʷʹݴ                                   Dynasty Shi Chen Stele Volume 21."

                                             1999  45๋   ͉ᅆجࢪ(΂ʮ௹ࢻ)׵88ϋʩ˜(́੓) ෥੕f
                                                           ”ੰྐྵ•e࿁ᑌ”݆ࠬ  ̚ሬ•e”ˇϋ  ڗց•dΛୂ࿁ᑌණ
                                                         ዄ΂ʕശ̾༸ࣣኪึୋɓ ɧ֣ଣԫ88-98ϋiୋ̬ ɖ֣੬ਕଣԫ98-
                                                         His teacher the Venerable Master Benhui (Sir Ren Bo-Wu) passed away. Appointed as
                                                         a board member of the Chinese Calligraphy Association from 1988 to 1998, and as a
                                                         standing board member from 1998 to 2008.

                                             2000  46๋   ਞ̋ୋ̬ɤɖäʞɤ֣˜ʕ௅ߕ࢝™f
                                                         ࿁ᑌ”ʗᑊ ؒᅂ•dᎲ࠭ɷᐤ-؇юܔࣧϵϋࣣجණ‘d(ၽ̹̏i
                                                         Participated in the 47th to 50th Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central, with his work featured
                                                         in the "Longfei Millennium: Soochow University's Centennial Calligraphy Collection."

                                             2001  47๋   ΂࢙૶dࡌూ׳ɽ຦֭፯ණi24̏ᕧ ੦ห৞ྥႦთࡌూ‘d(ၽ̏
                                                         Published "Restoration of Northern Wei Dynasty Cui Jing-Yong Epitaph Volume 24."
            ࿁ᑌ”ᗫ෦ ໋ᜳ•

                                                                               ΂࢙૶ࡌూ׳ɽ຦֭፯      ΂࢙૶ࡌూ׳ɽ຦֭
                                                                               ණi18̏ᕧி྅াɧ၇‘     ፯ණi21؇ဏ̦ો຦‘

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