Page 134 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第二冊
P. 134
Lukcy Family Lucky Մ(ʃ) 7Ò4Ò10.5cmgLucky Մ(ʕ) 8Ò5Ò12cmgLucky Մ(ɽ) 15Ò11Ò24cmgBaby Մ13Ò8Ò21cm 2022 ზ Copper
ெ ˚͉UBEᕐϋ࢝-ୋ25e27e29e30֣-ɝ Guo, Guo-Xiang
፯/ୋ26֣-ʆɹጤߕஔᆤd2019-2023ϋ UBE Biennale in Japan: Selected for the 25th, 27th, 29th, and 30th editions;
1975.11.08 awarded the Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum Prize in the 26th edition.
Continuously selected for the Autumn Salon Exhibition in France for 5
(M)0930-808113 ່ɽлA-Designყணࠇᆤ-ږᆤ1ࢭeვ consecutive years from 2019 to 2023. A-Design International Design Award
402022 ၽʕ̹یਜ ᆤ4ࢭeზᆤ1ࢭe᚛ᆤ2ࢭi2021-2024 in Italy from 2019 to 2024: 1 Gold Award, 4 Silver Awards, 1 Bronze Award,
ʈኪɓ197܍19ғ and 2 Iron Awards. MUSE Design Award in the United States from 2021
28 ߕMUSEணࠇᆤ-ږᆤ5ࢭeვᆤ10ࢭi to 2024: 5 Gold Awards and 10 Silver Awards. Arte Laguna Prize in Italy in
2020ϋ່ɽлArte Laguna Prize-तйᆤi 2020: Special Prize. London Design Award in 2023: Gold Award. Titan Real
2023ϋࡐணࠇᆤ-ږᆤi2023-2024इվ Estate Design Award from 2023 to 2024: 5 Gold Awards and 1 Silver Award.
132 ήପணࠇᆤ-ږᆤ5ࢭ/ვᆤ1ࢭf