Page 200 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第二冊
P. 200

DEAR MR. LOVE HANDLES-3  45Ò65Ò10cm  2023  ீ׼Ꮐдɢeீ׼1.75၁ᜄၪᇞeீ׼еደޚᆨᕙࣘ  Clear Acrylic, Transparent Carbon Fiber Line, Transparent Fire-free Glass Pigment

                                ࿋ઽё              ͦۃ׵؇ऎɽኪߕஔӻࡒ΂dಀᐏᆤ                  Liao, Min-Chun
                                                 ධ2020ϋΌ਷ߕஔ࢝ၝΥҿࣘᗳზ೐                Ms. Liao is currently a part-time lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts at Tunghai
                                1971.08.29                                         University. Her accomplishments include: Bronze Medal in the category of mixed
                                                                                   media at the 2020 National Art Exhibition, ROC. Honorable Mention at the Nanying
                                (M)0933-454241   Ъd2018ϋၽᝄߕஔอႶᆤ൙ᄲྠ                 Awards in 2018 in the category of mixed media; Grand Jury Prize at the Taiwan
                                                 ᆤd2017ϋ৷ඪᆤ࠯ᆤd2014ϋ؇ऎ              Emerging Art Awards in 2018; First Place Award at the Kaohsiung Awards in 2017;
                                                 ɽኪߕஔӻӻ࢝ᎉ෧ᗳୋɚΤd2013                Second Place at the 31st Tunghai University Department of Fine Arts Award, the
                                                                                   Judges' Award at the 2013 National Art Exhibition, ROC (sculpture category),
                                                 ϋΌ਷ߕ࢝ᎉ෧ᗳɝ፯d2013ϋ؇ऎ                and First Place at the Tunghai University Department of Fine Arts Award's 30th
                                                 ɽኪߕஔӻӻ࢝ൖෂᗳୋɓΤf                    Exhibition in Visual Arts.
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