Page 143 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 143

                                                                                                                                                  ج    Calligraphy



                    413015 ၽʕ̹ᗯࢤਜʕ͍༩736໮(ᗯࢤ਷ʃ)


                    Hung, Wen-Xiong
                    Mr. Hung graduated with a Ph.D. in literature from
                    National Chung Hsing University, and is the author
                    of On Understanding And Interpretation about
                    Wang Xizhi's Calligraphy During the Tang and
                    Song Dynasties, Collected Calligraphy of Hung
                    Wen-Hsiung: Stillness Lodges at the Eastern
                    Pavilion, as well as several papers. He won First
                    Prize at Taiwan Provincial Students Fine Arts
                    Exhibition, and Arts Exhibition of Taiwan Central.
                    He  is  currently  the  vice  chairman  of Taiwan
                    Calligraphy Society, and a teacher at Wufeng
                    Elementary School.

                         An Excerpt Copy of Ji Zhi Sheng Jiao Shu
                                         139Ò34cm  2024
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