Page 147 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 147

                                                                                                                                                  ج    Calligraphy

                                                                                                          ܑ  Secluded  68.5Ò70cm  2024

                                    ˮࣈԞ              ਷ͭ࿬یɽኪʕ˖ה௹ɻf̏ԯɽኪࣣ                Wang, Zhen-Bang
                                                     جᖵஔ޼Ӻהஞਪኪ٫fၽʕ઺ԃɽኪ                Mr. Wang holds a Ph.D. in Chinese Department from National Chi Nan University,
                                    1973.11.10       Ⴇ઺ӻࡒ΂пଣ઺બfΌ޲ߕࣣ࢝جᗳ                and is a visiting scholar at the Graduate Institute of Calligraphic Art, Beijing University.
                                    (M)0927-112783   ͑ɮеᄲݟЪ࢕fΌ޲ʮ઺ߕ࢝eɽ                 He is an adjunct associate professor of the Department of Language and Literacy
                                                                                      Education at National Taichung University of Education. He has permanent exemption
                                                                                      status to the Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition in calligraphy category. First Prize
                                                     ᝄߕஔ᎜ᖵஔვБᒅᔛfഹϞjՇ֦                at Provincial Civil Officers Fine Arts Exhibition, and the Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition
                                                     ʕശႧ˖ɽᗘՊ‘ࣣج௅Υᇜeࡎʩ                of Taichung City. His works have been procured and collected by Art Bank Taiwan.
                                                     ⶨࣣجᖵஔ޼Ӻ‘၂ሞeڽᑳʿՉࣣ                His written works include: Cross-Strait Chinese Dictionary (calligraphy section
                                                                                      compilation), Master's thesis entitled A Study on Calligraphy Art of Ni, Doctoral thesis
                                                                                      entitled Analysis on Mao Xian and His Calligraphy, The First Collection of Jen-Bang
                                                     ණ‘eग़ၾي༷ÑˮࣈԞࣣᖵණ‘ʿ                Wang's Calligraphy Works, Wang Zhen Bang Works Exhibition, and numerous articles
                                                     ኪజሞ˖ᅰᇐf                          in scholarly journals.                                   145
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