Page 186 - 2024臺中市當代藝術家邀請展第一冊
P. 186
╍ Buch Clover 13Òٜࢰ18.5cm 2024 ନɺeࣵደ Porcelain Clay, Wood-firing
ᗝ ၽᝄௗᖵኪึଣԫڗdၽᝄဒᖵึ੬ Chen, Ching
ਕଣԫdၽᝄௗନՍኪึଣԫڗdၽ Mr. Chen has a number of roles in handicrafts related associations, including
1969.12.08 serving as president of Taiwan Pottery Association, an executive director
of the Taiwan Lacquer Association, president of the Taiwan Pottery and
(H)04-26582853 ʷʹݴึਓଣԫڗdͭၽᝄʈᖵ Ceramic Engraving Association, president of the Taichung County Pottery
(M)0912-626484 ӺהgၽᝄᎴԄʈᖵۜ൙ᛠeၽᝄʈᖵ Promotion Association, vice president of the Taiwan Ocarina Cultural
435052 ၽʕ̹ಐਜ Exchange Association, a juror of the National Taiwan Handicraft Master and
ʕ̯༩2ݬ264 ʘၽᝄʈᖵʘֳ൙ᄲd˖ܔึௗନ Taiwan Premium Handicrafts Evaluation, and a pottery development planning
ପุ೯࢝ࠇÑௗନᎴԄପۜ൙ᛠʈ and promotion committee member for the Ministry of Culture and Works and
ᖵᗇՓܓપБ։ࡰf Authentication Evaluation for Craft Promotion.